
Voting must be for at least those with basic education.

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  • NYG 11 years ago

    I am very disappointed at the author for such a disgraceful article. I believe in education, but the idea that this solemn right of a citizen to choose his or her leaders should be given to just a section of the populace is i ...
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  • who is this nzema fool? 11 years ago

    Why would you conjoin nativity with worldly acquisitions? why don't you say voting must be for millionaires? After all they are the ones who have money to make changes.

  • Nweanah 11 years ago

    Such are peopl who contin. to work for ghana but still

  • Repugnant. 11 years ago

    I will see to it that you are dismissed from nursing. From your mindset, you lack empathy and present a serious threat to your clients.

  • Precious Demenya 11 years ago

    This is a very good idea. It will bring civility and prevent primary school Ga-Trokosi's such as TerriblY Specific from making a mess of this forum.

  • Repugnant. 11 years ago

    Some of those you are indicting as uneducated have more sense and life experience than you do. There was a survey that even showed that uneducated African women were the best mathematicians in the world. Sadly, this male midw ...
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  • Kofi Ata, Cambridge, UK 11 years ago

    Francis, what on earth did make you to come up with such repugnant and repulsive suggestion? Are you implying that our forefathers and foremothers, fathers/mothers, brothers and sisters who were unfortunate to attend school t ...
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  • JOHN 11 years ago

    well said and straight to the point NYG.

  • Pastor _ USA 11 years ago

    What a stupid idiot to suggest this. Does she knowns how her schooling was paid for. God forgive her. she doesn't known. Is a curse to her.

  • JohnD 11 years ago

    Not only BECE Education. They must also be able to write essay, about five sentences long in simple,good and understandable English. This requirement will disqualify you, Mr. Neanah.

  • Adolf Hitler 11 years ago

    haha and they will not vote for free SHS

  • Adolf Hitler 11 years ago

    stupid fool

  • Dickson Andrews Danquah USA 11 years ago

    what kind stupid Idea are you trying to suggest to Mother Ghana just because your grandfather could not win the election for NPP. Do you also want to change Ghanas constitution? Infact your article is very disgraceful indeed ...
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  • Yaw Adu 11 years ago

    So Francis,does it mean you want to be the only person in your family to be able to vote since you are the sole to have had any form of education.By the way,how did you become a nurse?

  • Kwaku Duah 11 years ago

    This is the first time I am blaming the messenger.Whoever allowed this disgraceful article to be published is as guilty as the writer.I think the writer is on some kind of drugs stolen from his work place.Please don't let it ...
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  • ben 11 years ago

    Your article has even exposed your own level of education,being able to go to school and aquire a certificate doesn't make one an educated person.There is different between schooling and education,that is why people like you ...
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  • concerned ghanaian 11 years ago

    Terrible article!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The ghanaians that have caused us all our problems since the birth of our country have been those of us that are educated.

    Democracy is for all and not for the elite.

  • VAQ 11 years ago

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  • Mama G 11 years ago

    All you guys are blaming or calling Francis with names should think & read very well what he's saying. Getting the people of Ghana to understand the system and hold our fucking leaders to task needs someone who can understand ...
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  • NYG 11 years ago

    Sorry, it doesn't take the educated to hold elected officials accounted. People have fought these battles already and I am disturbed if so called educated folks can come with such stupid ideas. I am all for education but we w ...
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  • Paa Willie Akuffo Addo 11 years ago

    Eeeeiii Francis, what has come over you? You just dont want NPP to come to power at all cost. Your suggestion is preposterous to say the least. After the verification of voters disenfranchised our additional votes per already ...
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  • John Dramani Mahama 11 years ago

    You are Terribly Specific cum Repugnant. You are no P.W.A.Addo. NPP is fully behind this suggestion.

  • asante 11 years ago

    This is very bad english coming from a so-called educated person calling for uneducated people to be disenfranchised. I pity your patients

  • Nii Ansah 11 years ago

    this piece is horrible.

  • Wallance 11 years ago

    then ndc will be dead

  • Justice 11 years ago

    As for this, NDC will not agree to it because it draws it's support from this group.

  • DAN 11 years ago

    that an idiot can't vote for Mahatma or Bush

  • Margaux 11 years ago

    November 13, 2011 at 12:26 pmHow many entries are allweod per person? I'm assuming three again? Will this be the case with all future weekly competitions from now on?Thanks,Martin.