
Ghana Needs Patriotic and Selfless Politicians

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  • Adjoa Mesreyami 11 years ago

    The pillars of Corruption, Bribery, Stealing, Nepotism, Dishonesty and pure Mis-management must be dismantled before basic life needs can begin to fester.


    I can solve Ghana problems in 7 months.
    Food, shelter, clothing, healnitation,education, accumulation of wealth and globsahara worming.

    Maturity of most developmental elements are 3 month. Seven months is attainable.

  • Kwei Quartey 11 years ago

    I'd love to see you try!

  • Daylight Robbery By MPs 11 years ago

    A house built on sand can not stand. Is the Ghanian constitution worth as an ass wipe? Is the constitution the basis and genesis for all that ails the country?

    Is what's transpiring before our very regarding the swift pa ...
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  • Ogyam 11 years ago

    When we have likes of akufo going to court with intent to be forcifully crowned president while we Ghanaians have rejected him 8 out of 10 regions let him be told he is unpatriotic and uncivilised fake lawyer

  • Kwei Quartey 11 years ago

    Patriotic and selfless politicians. That's an oxymoron.

  • Kukurudu Kokroko 11 years ago

    You will do worse things judging from your name of pomposity of Katakyie. Talk is cheap. Well written article, though. To me, our MPs are dishonourable greedy bastards.

  • Ama 11 years ago

    GOD is watching and will reward these greedy bastards

  • Agyeman 11 years ago

    Patriotic & selfless politicians are the as easy to find as mermaids.Having said that,i'm particularly impressed by Kagame in Rwanda and the focused,disciplined leadership he has brought to Rwanda.None in Ghana are selfless i ...
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  • KOKI 11 years ago

    Hmm, Kwame! There is something sadly amiss in Ghana's leadership. And I am glad there are many citizens like you who bemoan the tragic state of affairs of mother Ghana singularly due to the lack of stark selflessness on the p ...
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  • Yaw Amofa 11 years ago

    The politicians are not from Mars!They elected from amongst the same Ghanaians who make noise. It means therefore that if Katakyie Kwame Poku is elected, he will behave the same way as the current crop are behaving.

  • ama 11 years ago

    NPP and NDC MPs in parliament anything to benefit them they agree like magnet and steel. they are corrupt like our president if he is not corrupted he would not award mps such money.