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The basis of your suggestion is so absurd, and politically motivated.
How else can he give evidence to the US DEA.
He needs to be in POST to supply the DEA with his version of PINK SHEETS.
See how hollow your article is? O ...
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...Gbevlo Lartey must go because not only is he a friend to the arrested criminal, Adelaquaye, but he is actually a partner in crime. In any civilised country nobody would tell the presicent to sack Gbevlo Lartey because any ...
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In the dealings of civilized countries and their friends it come to light that the slain brother of the Afghanistan President, Karzai was the drug lord in that country.
He our national securiyy office who duty is to make our airport safe. Do you want to say they were no Police Officers at yhe airport.
Anything going out of Ghana the security service must know that is why we emoloy them. How ...
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Why are you so enemy to our country's
Why again do you support and encourage
people who are bent on wrecking our nation for their own selfish ingterest?
Now tell the whole nation today, if the activities of ...
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1st, if you can read properly, then before you make stupid assumptions you should spent a little time to research e.g the bust of Solomon was a joint operation between the agency Gblevo who heads and the Yanks.
2nd the drugs ...
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If you throw a ball on a wall it comes back to you. The ball has started coming back to Gblevo.
or you just escaped from a mental home?
I am not sure which president they are appealing to when NPP does not recognize the sitting president! Nana has gone for health check-up in preparation of his inauguration. Wait for Nana to right all the wrongs for NPP since ...
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“We wish to appeal to the President, that for the image of Ghana and especially for Mr Gbevlo Lartey’s own reputation, a thorough investigation be carried out on the national security coordinator, Sohin Secuirty and its C ...
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The statement is foolish and waste of
energy and time,you foolish Young Patriots re think well that this case
is already in hand of the authorities
why again puting your dirty mouth to
contribute what.
Gblevlo must go, and ur fat idiot father should come right? ofui, aboabi ba. A group of idiots come together.
This guy is done. Nothing can save him. NDC will sell him out because that is the only way they can distance themselves from this ugly mess. The earlier the better, anyway. Give him some of the Wayome loot, ship him out o ...
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Young patriots go back and do your home work on the case before running your mouths
The concern citizens of Ghanaians abroad such as America, Canada, London, Germany, Italy, Australia and Holland, is appealing to the highest court of our country to throw the petitioners foolish and diabolical case that is ha ...
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Foolish patriots! Instead of requesting for the IGP and the interior ministers resignation, u are busy accusing an innocent hard working man who is killing himself for the country u foolish idiots sons of bitches. Wanna mothe ...
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Yes the igp and that foolish old man Kwesi ahwoi have to go because the igp is responsible for all the weak security in the country. The interior is also training the igp on how to disrespect the president. Please Mr. Preside ...
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the npp mp who is in jail now is a friend of nana addo and a member of the party,so is npp party a cocaine traffickers?i mean all members.go to hell young patriots
Ghana has been taken over by drug barons and are operating with the National security coordinator with the full backing of Jubilee House. Ghanaians are demanding that, Gbevlo steps aside for full investigations to be conducte ...
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NDC is not a real political party with governing capabilities.This entity was carved out of a Revolutionary party (P(NDC) and therefore will forever retain the DNA of the parent!This DNA includes the tendancy to be aggressiv ...
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I think I heard bits of what Lt Col Lartey was trying to tell the nation: that " .... the Sohin security company only operated on the peripherals of the airport". We all know that that was a lie. But this is Ghana. Asiedu Nk ...
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The guy cannot be trusted. I've said this since "day one" that the man isn't straight forward. Yank him from that sensitive position. I also believe that the recent drug bust must be taken seriously. I smell some stinking odo ...
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Why refused to tell Kuffuor and Kan Dappah to go when Amoateng was arrested,foolish boys.
They always want to name themselves big while they do nothing. If these boys were really patriot they should have shown example during 2000-2008. Even the party they belong to I mean NPP were not patriot how more this fucking ...
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your English is poor...stop wasting time with lengthy messages. Such a headache reading through message you wrote. So, what were you saying, again?
This man called Lt colonel Dovlo has already carved empire around himselve who cry foul in any time Dolvo is about to fall in danger.These persons were those who began to plead for him on this social net work when the Preside ...
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the young patriots call on the prez is a clear indication of their recognition of his excellency's legitimacy.
Nonsense!.Did you employ him?.What did you do to the corrupt CJ & registrar when cocaine turned into kokontey under their watch?.What did you do to Kuffour when 77 parcels of cocaine went missing under police surveillane unde ...
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This ia group of irresponsible and stupid fools
Who were used by drug barons in the elephant party to traffic illicit drugs during their eight years of horrible rule of mother Ghana. For the first time in the history of mot ...
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This ia group of irresponsible and stupid fools
Who were used by drug barons in the elephant party to traffic illicit drugs during their eight years of horrible rule of mother Ghana. For the first time in the history of mot ...
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This ia group of irresponsible and stupid fools
Who were used by drug barons in the elephant party to traffic illicit drugs during their eight years of horrible rule of mother Ghana. For the first time in the history of mot ...
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This ia group of irresponsible and stupid fools
Who were used by drug barons in the elephant party to traffic illicit drugs during their eight years of horrible rule of mother Ghana. For the first time in the history of mot ...
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This ia group of irresponsible and stupid fools
Who were used by drug barons in the elephant party to traffic illicit drugs during their eight years of horrible rule of mother Ghana. For the first time in the history of mot ...
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This ia group of irresponsible and stupid fools
Who were used by drug barons in the elephant party to traffic illicit drugs during their eight years of horrible rule of mother Ghana. For the first time in the history of mot ...
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This ia group of irresponsible and stupid fools
Who were used by drug barons in the elephant party to traffic illicit drugs during their eight years of horrible rule of mother Ghana. For the first time in the history of mot ...
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This ia group of irresponsible and stupid fools
Who were used by drug barons in the elephant party to traffic illicit drugs during their eight years of horrible rule of mother Ghana. For the first time in the history of mot ...
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do you want to build house or buy a plot for housing or industry and pay installments for one year to six years?
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Not just Gbevlo, but the whole network of government must vanish in shame. The embattled president first, his party and their so called national security. Is it NDC security or National security? Nonsense.
What didnt we s and hear in Ghana when Amoteng was arrested, was Francis Poku dismissed did Kuffuor go, where is the docket on the three npp women from djorwulu. we know about people reymond Amankwa, yaw amfo kwakye all arrou ...
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The bastards don't know what they're saying. Let them replace him with their stupid fathers if they so wish.
This Gbevlo guy is overstepping his bounds and must go, i agree. I don't think he has any credibility any more.
Why does Young Patriots sell opium or they are in the drug trade?
It is only a person who pass bad air who is uncomfortable when people complain that the air has been polluted with CO2.
What is wrong with these guys?
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Where were you when cocain got missing on the high seas and at the Police Headquarters, were the officers in charge sacked?
A statement from the little minded and intellectually lazy group of people. it is very sad that our youth are not thinking deeply and not making objective analysis. What a shame!!!.
The so called young patriots better find something better to do and to talk about. It is not NPP that appointed COL GBEVLO-LARTEY as National Security Coordinator.
Let the NPP time come for them to replace GBEVLO-LARTEY a ...
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Even though you're young, you should try and be reasonable in your statement. Don't just print laughable statement and issue them. Who can doubt Gbevlo's ultra professionalism?
Looks like Gbevlo has with the collaboration of BNI and NACOB succeeded in blocking all the avenues some of the many drug barons in the NPP used to make their money. The barons seem to be going bankrupt and as a result they n ...
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the current security coordinator has been a torn in their flesh because he had blocked Ll the routes they had been using in trafficing in drugs hence their cry that he leaves the scene for them to resume their illegalities. t ...
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