
Lawyer Addison, Tainted Evidence And .....

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  • CK 11 years ago

    Addison is too hot tempered for his own good. Bragging about stolen evidence in a proceeding being televised and streamed over the internet world wide. Truly pathetic, and not one judge said a word.

  • KOLA, INSIDE LONDON. 11 years ago

    Maybe the judges have taken into account the petitioners corrupt practices to deliver their verdict, who knows? 'our Nose'.......

    It goes to prove the end result which has given the the President the impetus to believe he ...
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  • Atia, USA 11 years ago

    Tsatsu did more than that......what the justices need to do is to humbly ask John Mahama not to comment on his innocence whilst the case is in court.

  • REALITY 11 years ago

    You are calling Mahama a thief, A president who travels worldwide in search for solutions to Ghana's problems and you want him to shut his mouth and be painted a thief by the thieves ,criminals ,and falsifiers. Mahama has eve ...
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  • DDF 11 years ago

    very good statement. NPP deny his presidency so why they do not accept a comment ' from an non-president ' ? Becuase tey fear tht truth !

  • KWADWO OWUSU 11 years ago

    Atia, USA

    What is wrong with you? Has Tsatsu told us that an officer of the court can break the law in order to procure evidence?

    Don't you think what Addison said was scandalous and clearly undermines the integrity of ...
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  • DDF 11 years ago

    so why the bar comment to dis approove his attitude

  • CD 11 years ago

    The remark of Addison that the source of his evidence could be stolen or fabricated in court yesterday and the court allowed him to use that document to cross examined the respondent put the SC in a very awkward situation in ...
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  • ECOMINI 11 years ago

    Addison did not say they stole the evidence. All he said was that it did not matter where the evidence came from. Why are we thinking that the evidence was stolen.

  • KWADWO OWUSU 11 years ago

    ECOMINI, Nobody is saying that Addison said the evidence he was presenting was stolen. All that we are saying is that it is stupid for him to say that he can present any evidence to the court no matter how tainted that eviden ...
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  • Yeabr3 _Mo 11 years ago

    Prevented the respondents from introducing the now famous pink sheet from Asokwas to demonstrate 'bad faith'(hypocrisy) on the part of Addison and company,simply beacuse it had not previously been filed as an affidavit in cou ...
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  • KWADWO OWUSU 11 years ago

    CD, it is said that our Supreme Court has lost the plot. I don't know if they are stage flight because some of their rulings are mind boggling.

    Addison got away with a very bad statement. It shows how arrogant our legal " ...
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  • myself 11 years ago

    and so what? you can go to hell if you are not okay with lawyer Addison's statement, hypocrite!

  • Sunkwa 11 years ago

    All said--SC from day one allowed that thief, Tsatsu to exhibit unchecked behavior and nothing was said or done to him why now turn to Addison to show any decorum at the court--SC must roll with the punches---does the SC expe ...
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  • de 11 years ago

    Mr Kristo,I hope u understand democracy?Addison's had that comfort to express his view and opinion in the realms of the Law because that noble house is credited with intellectuals and allows the full tenents of real democracy ...
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  • Kosoko 11 years ago

    I concur, I think the judges are compromising the petitioner's behavior in court too much. I actually think this case should be thrown out to spare tax payer's money. little errors here n there in election does not amount to ...
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  • ' and Jesus wept ' 11 years ago

    You've said it all my good friend. I feel ashamed of what this party has turned into.

  • KWADWO OWUSU 11 years ago

    de, I don't get your point. Are you telling us that "intellectuals" should encourage the introduction of tainted evidence in court in a matter where the credibility of our electoral process is under attack? Why should Addison ...
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  • Jorotara 11 years ago

    The petitioners are noted for their arrogance hence they went in for an equally arrogant empty-headed lawyer

  • myself 11 years ago

    look at an illiterate saying someone is empty headed, hahaha poor you and your respondent lawyers. shame on you.

  • Azaa government 11 years ago

    Stop talking about arrogance,who are more arrogant than your Tsatsu and Lithur,you these trokosis I don't understand you at all,when it concerns your nyebro oh praise him when the other way oh crucify him do you think your ar ...
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  • kobby 11 years ago

    All what you wrote does not make any sense to me and most of your readers. can you make sense another time please

  • myself 11 years ago

    indeed there is no sense in this article try and make sense nxt tym mr. poor man

  • Maame Esi Brown 11 years ago

    How do you know it does not make sense to most readers? Foolish comment.

  • HARRY 11 years ago

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  • Omanba, Chicago IL 11 years ago

    Kwadwo Cristo, it is very sad that you only see when the inaction of the judges is prompted by the petitioners council. From the word go, it is an open secret that judge Atuguba has been a bias against the petitioners and so ...
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  • ROGUE LAWYER 11 years ago

    Kwadwo take it easy and put your ears down-you will understand the quite Actions of the learned judges.
    all that adison and his criminal and backdoor lawyers are trying to do is to halt the precedings because they have got t ...
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  • Azaa government 11 years ago

    Aboaba you a the rogue not the one you are refering to,express your views without insult because you can't be where he is.School drop outs and truants join NDC no sensible person will ever be with people with no shame.

  • TROUBLE-MAKER 11 years ago

    The young man just realised that he has lost the case but trying to be rough and tough.
    Addison don`t give a damn what next.After all Akufo Addo himself ain`t coming home anytime soon.

  • Sam Otu 11 years ago

    People should give intelligent comments.

  • Kobena 11 years ago

    These are very interesting observations, but the die was cast right at the onset of this case. Judge Atuguba should not have been on the panel in the first place, judging from the fact that his nephew who had earlier ...
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  • Yeabr3 _Mo 11 years ago

    This trial from behind the scene?
    You are right in saying that everybody is commenting on the case,including lwayers,because own nation is now being guided by the views of high-scholl drop-outs lie Kweku Baako, who has been ...
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  • d citizen ghana 11 years ago

    We need to crosscheck d ballot papers.cos it possible npp printed fake ballot papers to spoil votes in ndc strongholds.

  • Kwobia (Toronto ) 11 years ago

    I am seething too at the courtroom antics of
    Addison.The SC has been too accommodating.
    Enough is enough.

  • 11 years ago

    One day Tarzan missed the NPP vine he was swinging on and fell.
    He poked out his eye, lost his arm and lost his penis.
    So, Tarzan went to the Witch Doctor and asked for an Eye like an eagle, an arm like an ape and a trunk l ...
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  • KWADWO OWUSU 11 years ago


    We need that. Classy.

  • OBURONIBA FITAFITA 11 years ago

    I have often watched the proceeedings with disgust over how lawyers from both sides belittle the profession with inpunity.

    Very often circumstances which would have attracted severe intervention by the bench were brushed ...
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  • mike 11 years ago

    this is nonsense and makes no sense.....if u do not understand the issues do not write this piece of garbage..what is the rot? it does not matter how u get evidence, and there are many cases in cases he could cite and the jud ...
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  • KWADWO OWUSU 11 years ago

    Mike, are you saying that if I kill somebody to get evidence that is right? If you know where the evidence is and you are doing the right thing, why don't you use legal means to get it instead of abusing the law to get it?

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  • Tutukpini 11 years ago

    We have a big big problem in Ghana if a Lowyer can openly tell Supreme Court Judges it does not matter where an evidence is coming from even if they were stolen and none of the Judges on the bench 9 of them did not say a word ...
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  • Lawrence Adongo 11 years ago

    I share your concern so much.But one thing for which I shall forever remained grateful is the fact that, this landmark case, in you will, has given us ordinary people to know what exactly is taking place or what has been taki ...
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  • Sawyer 11 years ago

    At times we talk like illiterates. Addison used cases in law to justify the way they procured the evidence. The justices listened and acted accordingly. They know what they are doing. This uninformed commentary on issues of t ...
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  • KWADWO OWUSU 11 years ago

    Sawyerr, will you be comfortable as a "democrat" to learn that documents to be tendered in evidence were procured by fraud, theft, torture etc; etc?

    The writer is right in his observations and we must take the criticisms ...
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  • Nana 11 years ago

    Addison can never win a case in the US court.His body language is very disgraceful and disrespectful.A judge in a US court will charge him with contempt of court and throw him behind bars.Only in Ghana will such stupid behavi ...
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  • Whatever 11 years ago

    The moment I heard Mr Addison make such scandalous statement to the effect that he might have used criminal methods to obtain his materials in use in court, this without a whimper of protest from the juctices, I immediately c ...
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  • KWADWO OWUSU 11 years ago

    Whatever, it is astonishing that our leaders don't take these matters serious. A lawyer making such contemptuous statement before the highest of the land and the justice kept quiet over it?

    We are in trouble.

  • Wegro 11 years ago


  • GENERAL DeGAULE 11 years ago

    Travel broadens the mind and obviously looking on from afar at this tragic comedy which is passing as a Supreme Court hearing makes one sad. Is that the best that we can offer as exceptional legal minds? Even the judges come ...
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  • KWADWO OWUSU 11 years ago

    DeGaule, are our justices overwhelmed or too accommodating because of the sensitive and politically charged nature of the case?

    I am all ears.

  • Kwobia (Toronto ) 11 years ago

    The SC justices are too afraid of being seen to be favouring one side or the other.This has allowed some of the lawyers to at times push the envelope too hard.

  • kwame 11 years ago

    Kwajo chris Wat??? ... boy pls come again, tsatsu is doing worse things than this in the court room ...even tony had the guts to throw the petitioners evidence on da floor nd he is still allow to participate in da hearing nd ...
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  • E S USA 11 years ago

    This tells you how corupt EC is.B/C they are the only people that have access to those temper proof envelopes, but how NPP have access to that.
    Secondly, the SC was talking about election and not a stolen temper prove envelo ...
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  • COUNTRYMAN 11 years ago


  • STEVEO 11 years ago

    This is one heck of an article.Straight to the point.

    Well done.