
Pedophiles demand rights like homosexuals

Oye Lithur Human Rights

Tue, 30 Jul 2013 Source: The Al-Hajj

Just as homosexuals through the potent and unwavering crusade of Britain and the United States of America have succeeded in stampeding the United Nations to support gay rights, pedophiles have also started arguing along the same lines to have their rights guaranteed as heterosexuals and homosexuals.

According to the proponent of Pedophile’s right, their desire for children is a sexual orientation no different than heterosexual or homosexuals, a position many believe was greatly influenced by Prime Minister David Cameron of Britain and the US’ positions on gay rights, which has led the UN with no option than to also concur to gay rights.

The pedophiles have been emboldened by the recent position taken by former Archbishop of Cape Town, Desmond Tutu, who in a statement said “I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven. No, I would say sorry, I mean I would much rather go to the other place. I would not worship a God who is homophobic and that is how deeply I feel about this.”

Expecting same courtesies as homosexuals, a practice Prime Minister David Cameron has bragged to ‘export’ around the World at a party he held to celebrate the passage of the Same Sex Couples Act, Act 2013, in Britain, which guarantees the right of gays; pedophiles are also using the same tactic as homosexuals to push for their rights to be recognized.

Already, renowned psychologists and psychiatrists, especially in the Western countries have started postulating theories aimed at redefining pedophilia in the same way homosexuality was redefined some years back that has finally been backed by law.

Many critics of gay rights prior to it being adopted by Britain, the US and now the UN, have over the years argued that it will amount to setting a precedence that will hearten pedophiles to also demand special protection as homosexuals.

They say the same strategy adopted by gay rights activist since 1973 to push for the rights which has now materialized through the backing of Britain, the US and other prominent people, pedophiles have also started moving along similar lines to have their rights guaranteed.

In the 70s, Gay right activists were backed by psychologists who postulated theories to paint a virtuous picture of the practice aimed at convincing leaders across the world to embrace the act highly regarded on the African continent as immoral and barbaric.

This point was heavily criticized in the 90s by the founder of America Mission, Linda Harvey, who was quoted to have said that the push for gay rights will open the flood gate for all manner of groups, especially pedophiles, to also join the league of right seekers.

“It’s all part of a plan to introduce sex to children at younger and younger ages to convince them that normal friendship is actually a sexual attraction,” she said

Similarly, pedophiles have also enjoyed same foundation laying treatments from psychologists to have their rights guaranteed. As a sign of paving the way for the rights of pedophiles to be recognized, the American Psychiatric Association deleted homosexuality from its list of mental disorders way back in 1973, a move that prompted a group called B4U Act to start referring to pedophiles as a “minor attracted persons.”

All developments so far are pointing to a positive direction of the pedophiles as two renowned psychologists in Canada have openly declared their support for pedophiles, saying it is a sexual orientation just like homosexuality or heterosexuality.

Also, Democrats in America through a majority decision have passed a legislation to consider pedophilia as an “alternative lifestyle” protected under federal law of America, a situation akin to the argument put out by America which has greatly influenced the UN to accept gay rights despite stiff resistance from African leaders.

Homosexuality remains illegal on the African continent, and most leaders on the continent have had cause to utter harsh words in reaction to calls for the continent to adopt the right of gays.

The late president, John Atta Mills in a response to Prime Minister David Cameron’s threat to cut UK aid to African countries which abuse the rights of gay citizens, said Ghana will not capitulate to the United Kingdom or any country for that matter.

"No one can deny Prime Minister Cameron his right to make policies, take initiatives or make statements that reflect his societal norms and ideals, but he does not have the right to direct other sovereign nations as to what they should do, especially where their societal norms and ideals are different from those which exist in [the ] Prime Minister's society," he stated.

On the same subject, the President of Gambia, Yayah Jammeh, has referred to Homosexuality as anti-god, anti-human and anti-civilization. “Homosexuals are not welcome in the Gambia. If we catch you, you will regret why you are born. I have buffalos from South Africa and Brazil and they never date each other. We are ready to eat grass but we will not compromise on this. Allowing homosexuality means allowing satanic rights. We will not allow gays here.”

Homosexuals and advocates of their rights had their fair share of the staunch critic from the President of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, who was reported to have said that Zimbabwe would never accept homosexuals, whom he described as “worse than pigs, goats and birds…If you take men and lock them in a house for five years and tell them to come up with two children and they fail to do that, then we will chop off their heads.”

In the midst of this stiff resistance, the UN adopted Gay rights after the US and Britain had openly passed legislations to grant them freedom to operate, this many said has inspired pedophiles to also demand their rights.

Source: The Al-Hajj