
‘Flowers, gardening are viable source of income’

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  • Speedy Gonzalez 11 years ago

    Almost everyone wants a white collar job,people do not want to get their hands dirty.The unemployed graduates would rather embark on demonstration and threaten government,meanwhile most of the courses they graduated from does ...
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  • BUSINESS DEVELOPER 11 years ago

    Its sad to know majority of africans have no knowledge about the use of flowers and its importance hence we dont use quiet often ,flowers are used to joy ,fun,happiness,encourage,saddness/sorrow,comfort,party /wedding decorat ...
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  • JDQ 11 years ago

    If anyone wants to know what flower aesthetics and flower economy can do for a city, I would recommend a visit to one of the most flowered cities on earth, ie SAN REMO in Italy.
    James Quakyi, London

  • LoveforFlowers 11 years ago

    What is the duration of the exhibition and where in Accra is it being held?

  • Bright 11 years ago

    the venue, date and duration for the show is not mentioned. Please kindly make available some contacts so as to link up with them.

  • SAM 11 years ago

    Sorry but i would rather say, lets start with GROWING FOOD to feed our little ones.
    its SAD to see how much basic food products are imported into Ghana - while we have all the means to grow.

  • kobby 11 years ago

    Flowers or horticulture is part of our day to day life if you love nature, which beautify our home, houses, and our environment in general. We should know that every thing worth doing is worth doing well and it pays

  • JDQ 11 years ago

    Please Ms Ester Cobbah put photos of the exhibitionon the web eg so that we can all access. Also can you put proceedings of the exhibition conference on YOUR WEBSITE ie StratComm website.
    James Quakyi, London