
Ghana must learn from the Kenya attack - security expert

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  • BET 11 years ago


  • NANA 11 years ago


  • NANA 11 years ago


  • Agyeman 11 years ago

    Kill and neutralize the enemy in their own lands than have them come fight you in your own backyard.Being scared of insurgent backlash at home is pure cowardice.

  • danzaki 11 years ago

    No Agyeman,not engaging in war is not cowardice.'kill and neutralize the enemy in their own lands' as you put it involves innocent lives.Let Ghana not be a part of this madness.we are such a lovely people.killing is not alien ...
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  • Gye Nyame 11 years ago

    A prominent Ghanaian has just been cut down by the terrorist and we sit back and do nothing. What an “afraid” country – what Ghanaians don’t realize is if you do nothing, the canker spreads. Unless we plan to not trav ...
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  • Agyeman 11 years ago

    Danzaki,you're very wrong and even self contradictory.The words "enemies" and "innocent" can never go together.No such thing as an innocent enemy.

  • kojo Darko, Indianapolis 11 years ago

    Well said, And the corrupt system in NIGERIA which GHANAIANS are GREEDILY imitating. GHANA could have been better than most countries BUT we 've got APES and ANIMALS AS ......., SO. What caused the JUNE 4 revolution? Now ...
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  • Tijani 11 years ago

    when it comes to dealing with terrorism, Ghana cannot defend itself, so, the best thing to do is to stay away from making comments or doing things that would upset the insurgents. Take Canada and US for example, because Canad ...
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  • danzaki 11 years ago

    Amen brother. You said it all. A word to the wise

  • ZoRRo 11 years ago

    The forces of evil driving these mad terrorists shall NEVER prevail. They cannot scare us from our generous friends, the US. Al-Shabaab does not know our Lord and shall not prevail over any country. Even the idiot, pornograph ...
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  • danzaki 11 years ago

    Generous friends?the USA? that is sums it up

  • danzaki 11 years ago

    correction no 'is' in the final sentence. error in typing

  • USMAN 11 years ago

    I have often heard Christian leaders in Ghana claiming Muslims and Christians worship the same God. I tell you this is far from the truth and the Muslims know this fact but they always pretend. You let the population of Musli ...
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  • danzaki 11 years ago

    Hahahaha! Usman or whatever alias you call yourslef. Even if Ghanaian christian and moslems don't worship the same God,but they are still wise enough to know that the peace n love we share btn us will stand the test of time a ...
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  • danzaki 11 years ago

    Mr Bombande,as much as I share your view that Ghana must improve its internal secuirity,I don't go with your 'gathering and sharing of intelligence' if i understand that to mean, teaming with some world power to cause harvoc ...
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  • Tompa Dade 11 years ago

    Terrorist can find reasons to strike anywhere at anytime and Ghana is no exception. The Government has a responsibility to allocate the necessary resources to make all of safe.