
AMA Public Health Department's Negligence

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  • Obed Adore 10 years ago

    A good "dig". AMA has to take immediate action to improve the situation

  • DAN 10 years ago

    Thats what you would do in USA about residents..If business call police one time then if no cure call the business permit people to enquire that the pull there operating permit if a bar/nightclub...The Slaughter house must be ...
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  • ' and Jesus wept ' 10 years ago

    Our institutions are hopelessly useless. We are our own enemies and I don't blame the whiteman for our troubles. Kwame Nkrumah must be turning in his grave.

  • Castro 10 years ago

    The Whole Country is Noise either from the Church ,radio Stations all Individuals Preaching,nobody Crares about Public Health.This is a ccase of the Government.How can a Teacher etc. have a good Sleep if all day loud Music ar ...
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  • Kojo Billy Duncan 10 years ago

    The noise polluters have been bribing the A.M.A officials that is why nothing seems to be done.

  • Ni-Akompi Ofadi Nsuro 10 years ago

    You mentioned Simpson Anim Boateng & Rosemary A.E. Gbadzida. This people are not from the Ga-Mashie Traditional Area (None Ga's). They do not care, they live in Ga & that's it.
    When are Ga's going to stand up & if possible F ...
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