
TOR resumes operations after third closure this year

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  • The Dunce 10 years ago

    'Bought a consignment of 600,000 barrels of crude from Nigeria'

    And there I was thinking that Ghana was producing its own crude oil.


  • niino 10 years ago

    am lost and confused what do we do with our crude oil?

  • DAN 10 years ago

    Plus TOr was not built to refine GOOD oil! it was built to refine cheap sour crude!

  • Mohammed Ibrahim 10 years ago

    Ghana Government Should Privatised Tema oil Refinery immediately.

  • DAN 10 years ago

    Anybody but somebody from Ghana or Nigerian citizens!

  • Advocate 10 years ago

    How can Ghana import petrol which is more expensive and not be able to import crude oil. Refining crude oil in Ghana will employ more people and also keep equipment in good shape. If TOR is maintaining their staff and not ...
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  • Janet - Accra 10 years ago

    I am still calling on President Mamaha to take a second look at TOR's problems. Government should take the bull by the horn and introduce the Public Private Partnership at TOR since it cannot run the refinery alone. TOR is ...
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  • mohammed 10 years ago

    public private partnership can stop the greed that corrupt official in the public sector are exhibiting. They drill pipes along the pipelines that cary the fuel form point a to b and load tankers for their personal greed at t ...
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  • crorkz matz 10 years ago

    Pmp00Y Very neat blog.Really looking forward to read more.