
Why the elite in society must cultivate a social conscience

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  • KOFI 10 years ago


  • Nii Ashitey 10 years ago

    When Cameron writes prose you can tell the force of his talent.His witticism and the words he used heightens and increase the state that he is describing to a great nicety.I have had reasons to criticize him when he opts out ...
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  • Kakaku idrisu 10 years ago

    Nice one, but what is the inport here?
    Are you suggestion another clean up like 79 and 81s.
    Remember we used to ride and play polo together at charlie squadron and some of this things prop up!
    What about the swiss girls?
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  • Brilliant, Candid and Poignant 10 years ago

    The need for a sense of social conscience among the elite is even more warranted and justifiable in view of the fact that more often than not, they (elite) have their roots in the lower strata of the economic -and social- pyr ...
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  • ghanaman 10 years ago

    The need for a sense of social conscience among the elite is even more warranted and justifiable in view of the fact that more often than not, they (elite) have their roots in the lower strata of the economic -and social- pyr ...
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  • C.Y. ANDY-K 10 years ago

    Efo Martin,

    This is Andy-K welcoming you on board the Re-conscientisation, Re-Awakening African Consciousness Movement which I launched in the '90s on Okyeame. You were there! The De-brainwashing Campaign has faltered and ...
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