
Ten-plus steps to ending Ghana’s energy crisis

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  • ibekwe 10 years ago


  • Kwafo 10 years ago

    Excellent piece but who will listen

  • Fan without power 10 years ago

    Devoid of your customary humour, Mr Abugri, unless the idea that Ghana could actually fulfil any of these recommended strategies is in itself laughable?

  • mr mensah 10 years ago

    Ibekwe? You are here, are you? How do you propose to change your...number, you filthy dog? Dogs and pearls don't mix. Get lost, you revolting piece of shit.ibekwe go to hell with your poison-saturated heart and stay there. Sl ...
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  • Roger Bird 10 years ago

    Some government officials from Ghana should investigate LENR. Eventually, some government officials from Ghana WILL investigate LENR, so why not do it now. They should look for Andrea Rossi and/or Industrial Heat in Raleigh ...
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