
President Mahama, true prophesy of Ghana's founder.

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  • Akadu Mensema 10 years ago

    Clueless Mahama has proved Nkurmah wrong. In fact, Mahama is even proving some old stereotypes regarding the "North."

    What about Limann? You write as if he was not from the "North."

  • KOLA,LONDON MAIN 10 years ago

    Tapolee was what former President of Ghana and the head of the enemy npp used to wear Tapolee in the scorching sun whilst Tonny Blair donned a Light T-shirt visiting some Cocoa farms, Kronfuo Kuffor was in a thick Tapolee.... ...
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  • insight to the bone 10 years ago

    our so called education free or not is a shame due to the bugga bugga policies of the ndc . the mentality it has created is one of willfulness with no regard for law and order. just look at the fools of legon and their mindse ...
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  • Ty 10 years ago

    Fool, there is nothing like "tapolee" but "tarpaulin".

  • BRANDY 10 years ago

    GOD Isnt Stupid Like Us, We Reap What We Sowed,,,,We Sowed Fake Judgement Debts, Almost One Billion Dollars....We Sowed Woyome 45 Million Dollars, We Sowed Waterville 46 Million Dollars,.....We Sowed Gyeed, Subah, Sada, ....W ...
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  • Yorkor 10 years ago

    The writer is foolish and mentally retarded. The NDC was founded by Flt. Lt Jerry John Rawlings. If the writer is looking for his so-called "true prophesy" he should somewhere else. Pepeni aboa.

  • kwaantwi usa 10 years ago

    What abt Dr.Hilla Lyman. Is he not from the northern Ghana overthrown by the founder of the ndc. He is also a northner, face the facts. President mahama is a failure. Stop the tribal politics, he is a Ghanaian, period

  • Meshack 10 years ago

    I wonder how much money this idiot will be paid for this nonsense.

  • John de John 10 years ago

    The writer who is a cheap and an uninformed half baked promoter of President John Mahama should know that there was one Dr HILLA LIMANN, a true elected president of Ghana. He was from Upper West, in the town of Gwolu. He was ...
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  • DKB 10 years ago

    Well done. Very good history lesson.

  • MAWUKO 10 years ago

    Hardi u r the most stupid tribal bigot I hv ever seen. Stupid article ever written Allah cursed u n ur descendent that why northerners will never move on.
    Come 2016 we voltarians will show u dis stupid northerners the exits

  • Ma 10 years ago

    Mahama is the worst president I have ever voted for,I deeply regret voting for him.he seems clueless and weak,I will not hide behind my northern lineage and northers are being insulted because of his incompetence,he ...
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  • TEE 10 years ago


  • Ghanaman 10 years ago

    Nkrumah was wrong about mpepefuo.