
Ghana and the politics of smiling and suffering

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  • Speedy Gonzalez 10 years ago

    Being overly serious does not fill our creativity vacuum.Our type of education does not prepare us to be our own boss,we were taught to serve.We all left school only to become employees not employers,knowledge that can transf ...
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  • THE TRUTH 10 years ago

    Abeeku thank you. When we sell our political power for 10, 20,or 50cedis for four whole years to a fool who does not know anything about managing an economy, what do we expect? it serves us right. We will continue to laugh, l ...
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  • Speedy Gonzalez 10 years ago

    There are villages all over the world but the African village is the most poorly built,lack of creativity.It is not the lack of resources,we have heaps of minerals and food yet we starve and have no jobs.We expect too much fr ...
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  • kwadwo 10 years ago

    Wonderful article, if only we had some patriotic politicians!

  • Been there 10 years ago

    It is possible that we simply do not reconcile ourselves with what is happening. There is no connection between the education we have and the life we live. Imagine learning how to make cakes in school and eating banku at home ...
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  • Abeeku Mensah 10 years ago

    The classic definition of a fool is described one incapable of learning from past mistakes and or learning from the mistakes of others. I do believe we laugh in order not to cry but we do so knowing we have been fools or fool ...
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  • crorkz matz 10 years ago

    ilIgp4 Great article post.Thanks Again. Awesome.