
4th Energy CONFAB In Kumasi

Thu, 13 Nov 1997 Source: --

The 4th international energy forum has begun in Kumasi. It is under the theme "Generating electricity from alternative energy sources ". About 50 energy experts from Ghana, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, the United States of America, Germany and Sweden are attending the one-week forum, The energy experts will discuss the possibility of generating electricity from sola, photo-voltaic, biomers conversion from urban wastes as well as natural gas. Ghana's Minister of Mines and Energy Mr.. Fred Ohene-Kena told the participants that the demand for energy is increasing at an alarming rate so there is the need to tap alternative sources of energy supply. He said the Aboadze thermal plant being constructed in the Western Region will complement the power generated from Akosombo and Kpong. He said potential hydro bassing like the Pra, Tano and Ankobra Rivers will be explored. Mr.. Ohene-Kene hinted that the government is considering private participation in the energy sector.

The 4th international energy forum has begun in Kumasi. It is under the theme "Generating electricity from alternative energy sources ". About 50 energy experts from Ghana, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, the United States of America, Germany and Sweden are attending the one-week forum, The energy experts will discuss the possibility of generating electricity from sola, photo-voltaic, biomers conversion from urban wastes as well as natural gas. Ghana's Minister of Mines and Energy Mr.. Fred Ohene-Kena told the participants that the demand for energy is increasing at an alarming rate so there is the need to tap alternative sources of energy supply. He said the Aboadze thermal plant being constructed in the Western Region will complement the power generated from Akosombo and Kpong. He said potential hydro bassing like the Pra, Tano and Ankobra Rivers will be explored. Mr.. Ohene-Kene hinted that the government is considering private participation in the energy sector. End.

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