
Poaching at Mole Park leaves tourists frustrated

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  • I had to say it...again! 10 years ago

    Promote vegetarianism a minimum of 4 days a week! Eat less animals and more will live.
    Poachers caught 100% guilty, no doubt, should be executed within 1 yr.

  • w3 10 years ago

    But there is no vegie in Africa let alone vegan

  • Araba Stamp 10 years ago

    The black newspaper moi grabbed in Seattle en route to my downtown hotel room was filled with obituaries of middle age black professionals. Of the six or so reported deaths, only one was in his early fifties. The rest range i ...
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  • Araba Stamp 10 years ago

    The black newspaper moi grabbed in Seattle en route to my downtown hotel room was filled with obituaries of middle age black professionals. Of the six or so reported deaths, only one was in his early fifties. The rest range i ...
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  • Araba Stamp 10 years ago

    What Ghana have to offer to tourist are churches and mosques and nothing else.

  • Araba Stamp 10 years ago

    What Ghana have to offer to tourist are churches and mosques and nothing else.

  • Araba Stamp 10 years ago

    What Ghana have to offer to tourist are churches and mosques and nothing else.

  • Araba Stamp 10 years ago

    What Ghana have to offer to tourist are churches and mosques and nothing else.

  • Araba Stamp 10 years ago

    What Ghana have to offer to tourist are churches and mosques and nothing else.

  • Araba Stamp 10 years ago

    What Ghana have to offer to tourist are churches and mosques and nothing else.

  • rOB 10 years ago

    This thing about charging foreigners more than Ghanaians to use recreational facilities like parks, monuments etc is an unfortunate and wrong and smacks of extortion and greed.
    In the case of expensive and limited facilitie ...
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  • rOB 10 years ago

    In fact, everyone should present an ID to prove your citizenship before entering these parks. If you don't have an ID, then you are charged by default as a foreigner or you go away. The days of asessing peoples' nationality b ...
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  • Wal 10 years ago

    with my 5yrs stay in DAMONGO,i never saw bush meat but when the road construction started, every chop bar in Damongo sells bush meat( antelopes, buffalos, etc) all the communities residing along the road in the game sell bus ...
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  • boss 10 years ago

    Hence all the animals in our stomachs. With no accountabilities from our ministers, our tourism is gradually getting to zero.

  • fotay 10 years ago

    While I commend your interest in the natural heritage of Mole NP and Ghana as a whole, I believe your article to be inaccurate. Game counts in the park done by wildlife professionals have shown relatively steady to slightly ...
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  • Ghfuo, change ur thinking 10 years ago

    Go to the game reserves, sarengeti of Kenya and learn how to profit from such a park. Can't you polkce, arrest still and possibly kill those idiots who are.poaching the animals at mole? Stupid idiots. Why are visitors even ha ...
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