
NPP grabs Ghc4.3bn from 5 aspirants

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  • NPP KWASEAFUO PARTY 10 years ago


  • SGT ANANI FIADZOE 10 years ago

    These are persons whose only occupation has been in public office and if they can dole out such huge sums, they must have plundered the state.

    In the developed countries the IRS would have immediately checked their tax sta ...
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  • Kwami Eto 10 years ago

    Let Ghanaians suffer. They deserve all these crooks parading as politicians. They haven't seen the end of their suffering yet!

  • CONQUEROR 10 years ago

    I think Nana's continues ambition to be president will continue to divide NPP and give NDC a freeway to win. Atta-Mills came a third time because all of NDC was behind him. Ghana actually lack a dynamic leader. We need the li ...
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  • insight to the bone 10 years ago

    mahama was a mistake choice that believe me most even in their God forsaken ndc party truly regret . Mills was murdered so that pepeni and ayigbe idiots could get their hands on power and money . now we all see what they are ...
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  • CANADA 10 years ago

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  • cobbinah 10 years ago

    very soon the poor but intelligent Ghanaians endowed with wisdom to rule will be relegated to the background considering the huge flagbearership fee political parties are using to block quality.hmmmmmmmmmm.

  • Kwesi Mensah 10 years ago

    These crooks would demand 5000% interest payments from Ghanaian taxpayers for their investments when by chance they come back to power.

    This shows Ghana is between a rock and a hard place with these crooks of politicians i ...
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  • KWAME, BELGIUM 10 years ago

    Yes, these people have the "thing" known as SIKA and they know why they are doing all these investments. When they are lucky and win power for the NPP, the first budget is how to get his money back from the national coffers. ...
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  • Kwesi Mensah 10 years ago

    They don't need to have the money. They can even borrow it from friends and relatives.

    This is how comes when they get into power they terminate legal contracts to give it to their friends and relatives to pay for their ca ...
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  • Pelicles 10 years ago

    Does it make sense to quote figures in the old cedis? If five presidential aspirants pay 85,000 cedis, how does it amount to 4.5 billion cedis? Such avoidable mistakes always push us to some unknown corner. It is very stup ...
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  • KWAME, BELGIUM 10 years ago

    Who knows if they don't have some of the old currencies hidden somewhere and would find means to smuggle them to the B.O.G for exchange after 2016?

  • Obaasima 10 years ago

    Pelicles, I agree with you one hundred percent. That was exactly what was going through my mind while I was reading this article! What is 4.5 billion, 85,000, etc? We're sick and tired of the mixing of the old and new currenc ...
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  • ATO WILLIAMS 10 years ago

    I wish you would be brave enough to write this message and sign off with your proper name!!!! I doubt that the NPP is full of dimwits as you want to believe. The last time I checked it was full men and women from all walks of ...
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  • Kwami Eto 10 years ago

    Daily Guide is one of the mouth-pieces of NPP. You really living in denial!

  • K. P. 10 years ago

    Please I want to see the new photo of Akufo Addo he is old but you still showing his old photo

  • NANA BEDIAKO 10 years ago


  • Komfo 10 years ago

    Thieves.Most of the aspirants,apart from the celebrated Dr. Frompong Boateng, at a point in time have had access to tax payers money .No doubt they have the means to pay that huge amount.

  • Kwasi Broni 10 years ago

    Dear Writer,

    Why do you still use the old currency and confuse everyone? The old currency is dead and gone so pls leave it alone. GHC 4,3 billion in old currency is not the GHC 4.3 billion in the new currency. It is only G ...
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  • Johnson Adjei 10 years ago

    This useless writer thinks Ghanaians are stupid, why is he still quoting Ghana old currency while this has been changed for a long time. Do you see the way of crooked Ghana politicians, NPP we are awaked from our own self, y ...
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  • JC 10 years ago

    It is C4.25 billion (old cedis) not GHC4.3 billion (new cedis). In the New cedis it is GHC 435,000. This is not state funds. If it is let us know. NDC has stolen 27 billion new cedis or 9 billion United states dollars!

  • GhanaBA 10 years ago

    why waste time, money and your energy if u know u will not win the presidential flag bearer race.
    currently in NPP its all about Nana Addo vs Alan Cash. nothing more nothing less, so the other folks are wasting previous time ...
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  • MARCUS AMPADU 10 years ago

    Our politicians and media houses should stop confusing us with the old currency and the new currency, and at times quoting in dollars.

    Is this deliberate or they are confused about the worth of the denominations themselves ...
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  • JM 10 years ago


  • AGYAAKU 10 years ago

    This is nothing but a recipe for more and more corruption. One wonders whether these gentlemen (no lady mentioned yet) are that rich in the midst of the general complaints of hardships,or merely motivated by greed, or patriot ...
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  • Maame 10 years ago

    How is this democracy. So you have to be rich before you can become a presidential aspirant? I thought aspirants were chosen by the party because of their leadership potential whether they are rich or not. Democracy is suppos ...
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  • Afia-Tse 10 years ago

    Its Democracy on Sale!!



  • AKONFEM MAHAMA 10 years ago


  • Kofi Boye 10 years ago

    what a crap article.The person who wrote this article does not know simple maths and is obviously anti NPP.
    How you get Ghc4.3 billion 5 aspirants who has only paid Ghc10,000 each and have Ghc75,000 left to pay. Even if the ...
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  • NANA O MOTHER 10 years ago

    Looking at them and compare to NDC ,it shows in politically NPP has the men with vision and experience to rule ghana.Not tweeaa leaders in NDC.

  • STEVE 10 years ago

    Ghanaians must be wary of the huge demand from the NPP'S flagbearer fees. In my opinion, where will they get that sum to stand as flagbearer of their party, and what happens to those who loose in their voting proccess? The mo ...
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  • JB Osei-Brown 10 years ago

    I don't know who decided to call the new currency Ghana Cedi, when the old was equally called Cedi. It makes no nesne whatsoever.

    To avoid any confusion, they should have given the new currency a new name altogether.

  • joe,boston 10 years ago

    What is all the favoritism towards Nana Addo about? Just take a look at the picture and tell me what you think. Why is Nana Addo "forever" young and towering above above the rest of the candidates?

  • Hino 10 years ago

    Npp ndc both useless parties.

  • PAA WILLIE 10 years ago

    I wish our journalists will stop confusing the old cedi, commonly referred to as the cedi and the re denominated cedi known as the Ghana Cedi. 4.3 billion cedis is not the same as 4.3 billion Ghana cedis. This confusing by ou ...
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  • Blessed. 10 years ago

    Can we do away with the old currency conversion, and stick with the new cedi please? These conversions can be very confusing.