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Ghana loses $30 billion over bad oil deal

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  • Driller 10 years ago

    what kind of arrangements/contract does Norway have with the petroleum extracting companies? Ghana needs a leaders with spine.
    I admire the Chinese who descended heavily on the minister responsible for expanding the railway ...
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  • Ed Okine 10 years ago

    The GIGS have done such a good job that there is not very much to add to it, except to say that PSA does not make oil exploration profitable from the perspective of the oil ex0ploration companies. Kenya is yet produce oil, ye ...
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  • Nana 10 years ago

    Unfortunately, there will be very few comments on this crucial matter. If it were tribe or religion you will see many comments. Oh Ghana, misplaced priorities.

  • John 10 years ago

    Thank you Mr David Agbee. Please let this information be well known, and don't relent in your efforts to get the bill withdrawn. Our parliamentarians like ministers such as Rashid Pelpuo, Hannah Tetteh and others care more ab ...
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  • Faceless soul. 10 years ago

    Thank you my brother for this intelligent remark of yours. Our people only do not understand that here is the best place where they are required to make fruitful contributions to save Ghana's economy from falling. All what th ...
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  • C.Y. ANDY-K 10 years ago

    Of course, PSA is far, far superior and safeguards our interests better.

    Unfortunately, the powers-that-be in Ghana cannot see beyond their noses. Their minds are terribly clouded with C19th colonial thinking and mentalit ...
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  • Tatal 10 years ago

    Have we already lost or losing or will lose such revenue due to bad deal. Check your Headlines and the stories/information you give us, please, Confusionist.

  • Ed Okine 10 years ago

    The body of a production sharing contract layouts the production share between the contractor(s) and the state or its state-owned oil company. Typically, most of the early production will be set aside for recovering the costs ...
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  • Ghanaman Original 10 years ago

    Good Job. Well done. We have to protect our interests. All government contracts must be read by unbiased third parties who have no affiliations with any of the parties involved in signing the contract. If people are getting k ...
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  • Sirbrod Osu-RE 10 years ago

    This is a very insightful piece and the comments by Mr David Agbee should be taken extremely seriously.
    In as much as one would expect to have some returns from 'risk taking' especially in such a volatile industry we do not ...
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  • BOY KOFI 10 years ago

    Foreigners come into our country to do business mainly for profits.They don't care if you are crying or dying,their profit is what matter most to them.If we don't understand this common principle then I don't see why we shoul ...
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  • Joshua 10 years ago

    That's amazing, i love this facts

  • Kodjo 10 years ago

    Misleading headline

  • EZEKIEL 10 years ago

    Please,EXPLAIN this section/Clause to our MOSTLY DUMB MPs and let us for ONCE consider and UNDERSTAND THE "SMALL PRINT" before pending our Signature!!!
    Let the LAWYERS and those who say they UNDERSTAND the Queen's English... ...
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  • Kamal Mohammed 10 years ago

    Let us has a people of Ghana to be precisely our so called our trusted leaders do the right thing at the first time.Afghan sign their oil deal the same day Ghana sign the oil deal i stand to be corrected,but afghan where able ...
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  • JAMES Y 10 years ago

    Things will be worst even if, as anticipated, NPP get to power come 2016. They will accept HMC in totality and more sell-out conditions in the future from explorers to help maintain power with the help of World Bank, IMF, Rev ...
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  • JONA 10 years ago