
Commodore Griffiths Evans takes over Command of Tamale Air Force

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  • magarrita San Antonio 10 years ago

    Very strong officer who never joked with his work. always serious and eager to assist subordinates. But point of correction Mr Author, Griffiths is not Commodore, He is Air Commodore. Always get the information right before y ...
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  • KnYc(USMC) 10 years ago

    I don't blame the writer but education system he or she graduated from. Our chew and pour education system is part of our economy problems we have now. If the reporter had done their research, they will have known that in the ...
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  • olo Vivi 10 years ago

    Bad English

  • KnYc(USMC) 10 years ago

    You call it "Bad English" proof it. By the way I mean to say "reporters" not reporter.

  • KnYc(USMC) 10 years ago

    Next time you insect yourself into debating subject you just don't write the heading "remove the timber in ur eyes first" and you supporting abstract is " Bad English." This shows that your level of education has no quality ...
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  • naida 10 years ago

    i think u need to read again.......Air Commodore Griffiths Santrofi Evans has assumed office as the Garrison Commander of the Tamale Air Force Station following a short but solemn event in which his predecessor was symbolical ...
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  • EKOW PHOBIA 10 years ago

    The confusion here is that, the navy also has the rank COMMODORE(and the same level too) the difference is the AIR that comes first to differentiate.....that is all.

  • Dr. DIASEMPA 10 years ago

    Why devote 99.9% of the article to the Outgoing Commodore Ayisa, and virtually nothing of significance to the Incoming Evans? Should rather be "Air Commodore Ayisa Retires!"

  • Nana Kwaku 10 years ago

    Doc, you are right. I was also wondering what the article actually meant. Santrofi Evans is a very likeable person and very disciplined. He taught Nana Oye Lithur and myself briefly in prep school. He deserves it. Congrats to ...
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  • KWAME TEYE 10 years ago

    You also bombshell here. He is not yet gone on retirement yet therefore you cannot add retires to the rank and name at the moment until after the next six months or so.

  • Bay 10 years ago

    Good one. Congratulations Griffits. It's time.

  • Maame Serwaa 10 years ago

    Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Obroni" I am very proud of you.

  • olo Vivi 10 years ago


  • EKOW PHOBIA 10 years ago

    No I think that one was a commander in the navy he is also fair coloured like Air Cdre GS Evans

  • Aza 10 years ago

    Congratulation, Air Commodore

  • KnYc(USMC) 10 years ago

    Let me take this opportunity and give a shutout to all my peoples from Station Experiment School in Kamina Barracks, Tamale. Kofi Adu-Boahene, K. Bourfor, The Turksons from mile 9. Papa Aseadue from Russia bungalow, The Brown ...
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  • Kobo Richards 10 years ago

    Ayigbe to Ayigbe indeed

  • crorkz matz 10 years ago

    2plKPy I really enjoy the blog post.Really looking forward to read more. Cool.

  • crorkz 10 years ago

    jLaWgL Enjoyed every bit of your post.Really thank you!