
Ebola Scare: Lighthouse Chapel bans handshakes, hugs

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  • Major Variola 10 years ago

    The West will begin mining the harbors and cratering the airports so
    nothing can leave. They will landmine the jungle. Anything that
    leaves is sunk or shot. Snipers sans Frontieres. Quarantine with
    extreme prejudice.

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  • SOJOURNER- BRUISED 10 years ago

    Having got delivered or saved from the furnace of Babylon, the trio were giving the best of life in the Kingdom by the King. What about the Kingdom of USA? They just don't care about the name of the Savior of mankind. They t ...
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  • Kweku 10 years ago

    Most people that Jesus saved in bible times although believed in God and also were in expectation of the coming messiah, went after Jesus not because they wanted to be saved. Rather, they had a problem they thought Jesus coul ...
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  • Captain Canada 10 years ago

    Can't save them from ebola. This is just the sign for Ghanaians to stop attending these churches. The two infected americans found cure in medical facility, within days, which will be used later to help those with the disease ...
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  • KK 10 years ago

    God gave us brains to think, u fool, get a life.

  • Captain Canada 10 years ago

    on all the other issues then. Why do you still follow something that say the earth is flat and only thousands years old? You are the fool who choose not to see what is in front of you. For you I think there was an exception t ...
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  • Captain Canada 10 years ago

    Why don't you use it when it comes to critiquing you fake religion? You need a life better than I do.

  • KK 10 years ago

    You are gay, u need diapers LMAO

  • Captain Canada 10 years ago

    Diapers are for babies. But I see why a fool will link diapers with gays. Unfortunately for you, the world in which I live, which created diapers, will ever associate gays with diapers. Which goes to show how much you don't k ...
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  • KK 10 years ago

    What if i dont live in Ghana. Get a life NOW.

  • Captain Canada 10 years ago

    Europe. Such wanton ignorance will not be coming from someone who has the slightest exposure. You live in Ghana. Hence your ignorance. If you had life you wouldn't be sucking the dicks of fake reverends.

  • PACIFIC 10 years ago

    Im really sad,when i hear some matrial world poeple gathering in some corners and dupping ignorance ghananians, the soo call LIGHT CHAPEL IN GHANA and else where must be abolished with emmidiate effec ...
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  • Skid 10 years ago

    Please learn to spell

  • KK 10 years ago

    The bible said women should dress modestly, it is not a sin for women to wear trousers. Stop ur legalistic interpretation of scripture, i can also argue with u not to possess anything, sell all that u have and give to the pro ...
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  • kwame 10 years ago

    you can't even spell, that says it all

  • SAMO JEWELLERY 10 years ago

    Call or whatsapp us on 0244717600 to send you latest pictures of yellow n white wedding n engagement gold rings to choose from.....can also search samo jewellery on facebook,instagram,twitter for more pictures to choose from. ...
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  • Captain Canada 10 years ago

    these people crazies, including KK, should be asking themselves if they had brains. The man who embraced lepers and diseased folks will walk to the ebola victims and cure them. But we all know these churches are fakes and cha ...
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  • KK 10 years ago

    As a matter of fact there's no need to argue with u. Bishop Dag is a medical doctor by profession and a Pastor at the same time, he has common sense that people like u lack, GET A BLOODY LIFE NOW, low life Captain in ur miser ...
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  • Sakawa Churches 10 years ago

    KK, Please Be a Good Follower of Sakawa churches!

    Why are you angrily insulting your fellow human like that? He/she has given themselves the name "Captain Canada". That doesn't mean they live in Canada. And why are you dis ...
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  • FUNNY THAT 10 years ago

    A I will not agree with you by tellinh Africans are uncompassionate because in recent tiomes in Central Europe there has been cases of Europeans buthheing thuman beings and feeding on them.In this case the Europeans are more ...
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  • Captain Canada 10 years ago

    make more money forming a church rather than practise his profession. The love of money is what drives him. But I don't expect you, the ignorant asshole, to know that. Once again you've proven your ignorance. If the verse you ...
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  • Sakawa Churches 10 years ago

    You are on point! Fucking lying motherfucker "church" businesses milking the greedy idiots! The only unregulated BUSINESS sector! With no consumer protection!

    Let's back to Presby, Methodist, Roman etc!

  • KK 10 years ago

    Has any Pastor milked u? Your argument is baseless , full of hatred and jealousy, every church or faith in this world has a way of soliciting funds from their members, not only charismatic christians. People like u may claim, ...
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  • Sakawa Churches 10 years ago

    How can a poor person make somebody rich? ANS PLS

    One poor person cant make someone rich, but multiple poor people CAN make you rich. What? Are you serious? Actually, listen, one poor person can get himself out of ...
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  • KK 10 years ago

    How do u define a poor person?, Who is a poor person to u?

  • Sakawa Churches 10 years ago

    Are you daft? Its called reasoning!!

    You ask a question whether a poor person can make someone rich. I answered you based on the PREMISE that some people are poor!! Now because I deflated your stupid argument, you asking m ...
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  • KK 10 years ago

    U deflated urself mate, I can only understand if u 'v been duped before by any charlatan, hence ur deep hatred for the charismatic churches, I m of a position that "there are still good ones" out there, maybe you were in the ...
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  • KK 10 years ago

    Are u aware Bishop Dag has a hospital? where he treats some patients for free? including during his miracle crusades he goes with a medical team?, Are u aware he writes and sells his books and tapes?
    Are u aware he has estab ...
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  • Sakawa Churches 10 years ago


  • kaka 10 years ago

    with his own money or the poor worshippers?

  • Sakawa Churches 10 years ago


  • Sakawa Churches 10 years ago

    Yeah? Dag has a hospital? And what does Lighthouse own? WHAT? How much does Dag pay to sell his books at Lighthouse's bookshops/libraries? How much!! The Catholic Church, Presby etc own and operate lots of hospitals! Dag migh ...
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  • Captain Canada 10 years ago

    on the ebola victims. You are so stupid and illogical. JSS education eh? If this man can heal like you claim why doesn't he cure the ebola victims?

  • KK 10 years ago

    he can heal ur dead brain, i promise u

  • Captain Canada 10 years ago

    before he tries to heal me. After all he hasn't been successful healing your insanity and ignorance. You are the specimen of wasted skin. And he hasn't been able heal you.

  • JoeA 10 years ago

    Body fluids from someone who has contracted ebola can be passed thru the money that he/she uses to pay tithes. So why doesn't the pastor or who the heck this guy is tell his congregation not to make offering or pay tithes. I ...
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  • Carly 10 years ago

    I think you guys are making a serious matter look like a big joke. Cease fire!
    No evidence has yet been produced by any medical findings on a link between Ebola and money. Stop insulting one another and put to test the sprea ...
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  • Sakawa Churches 10 years ago

    Good advice!

  • Sakawa Churches 10 years ago

    Yes! Let's read the Bible and pray ...! And stop relying on Sakawa "Prophets". KK has already told us by implication that Lighthouse owns nothing! Only Dag has this and that ..... Lol! Laughable!! Funny, but Dag actually appe ...
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  • PTA 10 years ago

    I think that you just hate LCI, Action and other charismatic churches. The message here us about way to curtail the spread of Ebola virus but your hate for these churches has blinded you to focus on the important message. I a ...
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  • PTA 10 years ago

    By the way the Catholic Church has also directed their member to "minimize handshake". I think that we must applaud these churches for been proactive instead of reactive which is the cause of poverty in Africa.

  • WARD GDX - WE THE PEOPLE 10 years ago

    The Lighthouse Chapel is the most efficiently and competently run organization/institution in Ghana.

    If the church were to be a sovereign entity, its economic status will be a second world not far from first world.

    B ...
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  • Captain Canada 10 years ago

    change the area where his temple is located.