
Corruption destroying Ghana’s gains

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  • Agyeman 10 years ago

    Its the corrupt political networks belonging to NPP doing all this dirty work.

  • Whatever 10 years ago

    If one past leaders alone can grab this much from our oil proceeds with impunity then don't be surprised by copycats

  • Asiedu 10 years ago

    They are talking about corruption as if they are just seeing it. When it was the order of the day 10 years ago, where were these Charlatans?

  • Tango 10 years ago

    NDC is equally guilty. Public servants are worse!

  • EFO KOKU 10 years ago

    These ndc thieves are not making gains. Instead they are stealing what they came to meet. Don't you guys remember they said nothing is left but bones? If they were making gains, there would have been some meat left.

  • Pelicles 10 years ago

    Legal corruption is the handy work of the elite. They are the ones coming out with all forms of corruption to suck the Treasury dry. A case in point is Alfred Agbesi Woyome. How can a single individual be that brave to dip h ...
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  • Spyware 10 years ago

    Mahama is the most corrupt of all. Dramani Mahama is involved in almost all the shaddy deals culminating in heavt corrupt dealings against the state. Ghana's problem is caused by balawo-Mahama

  • Asumdjwehene 10 years ago

    Remove the indemnity clause from the constitution for Accountability ,if not forget it.Mr.Alfred Wayomi told Rawling to "shattup".You Lawyers should know better.Thauks.

  • Batcha 10 years ago

    Mr. Quayson, is CHRAJ not one of the institutions that has been mandated to implement anti-corrupt laws? Why don't you just "go to work" instead of just talk. We are sick and tired of people like you who just want their voice ...
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  • Tango 10 years ago

    As if I read your piece!

  • Military Man 10 years ago

    Playing lip service won't help.

    Start prosecuting the ruling elites who are more corrupt than anything the word "corrupt" itself conveys.

    People will start taking you seriously then.

  • Nana 10 years ago

    Even the so call pastors are corrupt

  • BIG JONES 10 years ago

    Any government that makes the attempt to combat corruption in Ghana will fail unless it is committed to eradicating the disease. Clearly, the current government is not committed, it is only paying lip-service. Legislation alo ...
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  • Peaceful foreigner 10 years ago

    As a foreigner here in Ghana, I consider corruption to be part of the culture of the average Ghanaian. Nothing is ever done for free. People always expect something no matter how small.
    Civil servants, police, politicians, ...
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  • Trevor w 10 years ago

    It's very difficult to encourage the general populous to stop accepting bribes when they see it clearly at the highest level. It's a vicious circle that only a transparent government can remove..

  • Abeeku Mensah 10 years ago

    Corruption comes in many shades and forms but we may never know. For example is it not corruption that motivates our tribal and political party loyalties? Is our electoral process not a form of corruption if voters are to vot ...
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  • Mr. Mister 10 years ago

    And where are those gains Mr. Deputy Commissioner?

  • Tango 10 years ago

    For how long shall we continue preaching this anti-corruption sermon. All humans are greedy and instinctively liable to corruption in developing countries as well as developed ones. Sermon never stops this social canker. What ...
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  • USMAN 10 years ago

    Legon+ Achimota+ Fre-Mason= corruption+ Incompetence