
Fate Of A Misguided Scholar 7

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  • Nana Amponsem 10 years ago

    I’ve always clicked on this Kwarteng’s writings just for curiosity sake. Trying to weigh his ego and trying to picture how this guy may be sitting in front of his computer thinking how educated he is. Saying to himself ho ...
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  • KOLA, INSIDE LONDON 10 years ago

    The scarab beetle hasn't built his community or village yet it will demand one from the intellectual.

    I would have wished readers will pick the import of this article and learn one or two but hell no. The scarab beetle con ...
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  • (KOLA outside LONDON) 10 years ago

    1): The Kuffuor led Maladroit government promised the world of a new Ghana cedi will gain value when pegged with the dollar, ???
    2): to sustain the parity of t ...
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  • (KOLA outside LONDON) 10 years ago


    KOLA you dirty Ewe with dirty English who Claims to be in London.
    I think you vagabond dirty creature with big mouth is rather in Aflao, where they "Export Rice from India and Chi ...
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  • Akadu Mensema 10 years ago

    Although, I don't like Kwarten's parodies that pass as intellection, progress and development are not only about building structures. In reality, progress starts with championing ideas and that is exactly what Kwarteng is doi ...
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  • Nyansasem 10 years ago

    Just give me one idea this fool has championed here, just one.

    Seven stupid articles against or attacks on the person of Ahoofe, who could care less about this idiot. And you are calling those who are complaining for being ...
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  • ADJOA WANGARA 10 years ago

    Fact is, the unguided idiot Francis Kwarteng must not be writing silly books for us to read, the platform is for articles and not such senselss books like the bloody Kwarteng use to post. Besides he is a primitive hypocrite j ...
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  • YAW 10 years ago

    Are you legally obliged to read senseless books? The world would be a sadder place without...satirists,comedians,cartoonists,doctors,etc.I detest certain games in front pages of my newspapers.Do i read that section? Do i insu ...
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  • francis kwarteng 10 years ago

    Brother YAW,

    That is my point.

    I skip topics and subjects I want to hear nothing about!

    I don't understand why people read things they are intellectually allergic to knowing fully well they will hurt them or probabl ...
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  • francis kwarteng 10 years ago

    Dear Readers,

    This is supposed to be the last of the series but Nyansasem and his crew have given me a good reason to prove to me that this series is good and that I must continue with churning out more. Let us wait and se ...
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  • francis kwarteng 10 years ago

    Dear Friend,

    Don't mind these folks who are pretending not to see what is rightly set before the.

    I don't understand why they are not seeing the subtle ideas you are alluding to.

    Have a great weekend.

    Thanks anyw ...
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  • iliyas 10 years ago

    Nana, you said it all. I dont know why we fancy too much theoretical and literary rambling in a world that needs practical solutions to our problems? No offence intended to the writer, but we dont need this kind of knowledge ...
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  • Kojo Essuman 10 years ago

    I may not like some of the content of Francis'articles but I must state categorically that doing "something concrete for your village or community" alone does not determine your intellectual prowess.There are diverse ways in ...
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  • Nana Amponsem 10 years ago

    I’ve always clicked on this Kwarteng’s writings just for curiosity sake. Trying to weigh his ego and trying to picture how this guy may be sitting in front of his computer thinking how educated he is. Saying to himself ho ...
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  • Oko Quist-Therson 10 years ago

    You are not making any sense at all. And you call Kwame Botwe Asamoah a great scholar! Oh, please, stop laughing at the poor chap who has not published any major work!

  • mystic 10 years ago

    investment in good literature will create our desire future. lets stop criticizing ourselves and come together to solve our problems as Africans.

  • sammy 10 years ago

    Your call for us to reason out of our challenges is refreshing despite my usual opposition which, of course, you know. These points deserve critical consideration:

    The unfortunate part of this shameful narrative is
    a cle ...
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  • francis kwarteng 10 years ago

    Dear my God friends,

    Once again thanks for your understanding in highlighting what this series was set up to do.

    Those like Nyansasem who are attacking Dr. Molefi Kete Asante, one of the world's leading intellectuals a ...
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  • YAW 10 years ago

    The scholar is everywhere!on the issue of free speech.He has an open mind,sadly,a mind which is always open lets in a lot of virus to infect fertile minds.He is the prime exponent of a whole realm of feudal lords and bogus in ...
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  • Abeeku Mensah 10 years ago

    The problems we face in Ghana comes by way of our national ignorance on all things foreign and the readiness with which the voting majority of citizens acquiesce in giving powers to the so-called educated in our society witho ...
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  • Kwadwo 10 years ago

    If Molef Asante is the epitome of intellectualism, then you have wasted your mind indeed. You have been hero worshipping Molef, Nkrumah and others all your life. By the way, do you ever disagree with them?

  • francis kwarteng 10 years ago

    Dear Kwodwo,

    Molefi Kete Asante is the world's epitome of intellectualism.

    Please go back and read "TO NYANSASEM & OTHERS." The information there should tell you what America and the worrld sees Dr. Molefi Kete Asante. ...
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  • francis kwarteng 10 years ago

    Dear Brother,

    What an indicting summary of our waywardness! Wow!

    I am so happy I have another brilliant analyst whose vision captures the rhythm of my thinking.

    You have also added another authoritative voice to the ...
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  • Kweku Donsuro 10 years ago

    What does Francis believe in seeing he lambasts those who believe without questioning what they believe or not knowing thmselves first and their needs. he laments blind religiosity but being a science student, he calls for sc ...
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  • Stephen Kumaga 10 years ago

    Much as I know of a similar case, the scholar is just a victim of power play to pay for disappointed lover,wrong words used to address step kids to get them better way ofworst of all divisive political atmosphere.This guy h ...
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  • crorkz 10 years ago

    2nee5P I have been absent for some time, but now I remember why I used to love this site. Thanks , I will try and check back more frequently. How frequently you update your site?