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The Earth- a Masterpiece of Allah's Intricate Ingenuity

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  • Give Us Peace 10 years ago

    Why accommodate these implacable head cutters? What an insult and a pain!

  • Paapa Aminu 10 years ago

    Well that is what the west want you to see. Do you know how many innocent ppl Americans, British and so called west have killed? Don't deceive yourself by what they want you to see. They whole of these problems were caused by ...
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  • Paapa Aminu 10 years ago

    For how many years the Quran has been approved by scientist of some of it miraculous chapters and verses. In Suratul Baqarah [2:2-4]This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah. Who ...
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  • Graham 10 years ago

    There may be a handful of Muslim scientists in the same way there are Christians who are scientists. However, science & mainstream scientists do not approve of religious books, especially the Qur'an, as scientific in any way. ...
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  • Paapa Aminu 10 years ago

    Could you tell me anywhere in your Holy book where they talked about the seven heavens, the creation of seven heavens, the galaxy, milky way, clusters and the process human goes through before we turn into babies and then del ...
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  • Paapa Aminu 10 years ago

    (1)Dr. T. V. N. Persaud is Professor of Anatomy, Professor of Pediatrics and Child Health, and Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
    (2)Dr. ...
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  • grace 10 years ago

    Please don't bring your terrorist ideologies here. Ghana needs peace. Head cutters indeed.

  • Paapa Aminu 10 years ago

    I am speaking on facts and given you quotes and references. From the way you talking you are talking from what you see and hear from the TV. I bet you that Christians have killed and terrorised people more than any religion i ...
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  • ASaD ALi. 10 years ago

    Labaik ya rasool (PBUH) Allah .

  • nana ama 10 years ago

    Paapa Aminu dont waste your time on these headless folks even if you bring the clear evidence of Allah in from of them they will not believe,all b,cos they have forget their own creation.

  • Paapa Aminu 10 years ago

    Thank you Nana Ama. You see if you read everything I wrote so far. I have not insulted any religion except with fact. But what I mean is we shouldn't get fool by white mans media. I am from Takoradi. I live in London and I ha ...
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  • Hussein Y. Babalwaiz, author 10 years ago

    @Paapa Aminu, great rebuttals, pls email

  • Paapa Aminu 10 years ago

    I will Mr. Hussein, thank you for the compliment. Also my email is rasool2008@hot

  • Helping The Helpless 10 years ago

    May the West take note of a lurking terrorist.

  • Paapa Aminu 10 years ago

    Not a single useful word or legitimate word has come out of people talking against this article with references and quotes from the Noble Quran and intellectuals. Maybe you should be more worried about Ebola than me. Because ...
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  • Armiyao. 10 years ago

    A wonderful piece ustaz. And I must unhesitateldly add a footnote to this readable piece that the reader must not be deceived by the fact that The One choosing to create His world at His appointed time does not mean He adjust ...
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  • white America 10 years ago

    These are terrorist om this site they all have to DIE

  • Paapa Aminu 10 years ago

    Your name does not surprise me from the way you talking. White America does not scare me. Maybe Ku Klux Klan might sound better. We talking about Allah's favor on mankind, you talking about we have to die. Well African Americ ...
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  • Khadija Ibrahim 8 years ago

    What was the purpose of Allah swt creating mankind for Allah swt to watch us destroy creation through arrogance, greed, and pointless acquisition?