
Handsome men have poorer sperm quality, new study shows

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  • AM STUPID BBC NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 years ago

    nana is the best

  • ANGIE 10 years ago

    More nonsense from scientist with too much time on his hands, wasting time on trivial matters instead of important research. This lunatic doctor may as well tell women who desire children to start looking for ugly dudes becau ...
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  • Judy 10 years ago

    Omg, what a dumb study!

  • KOOL OBSERVER 10 years ago

    Are you Handsome or Ugly?

  • Judy 10 years ago

    Kwasea, does the name JUDY sound like a man's name?

  • KOOL OBSERVER 10 years ago

    Funny! My bad. I meant he, whoever you're tangoing with. JUDY THE RAZOR-SHARP MOUTH. Ad3n na Asantefo maa anoy3ya saa?

  • CITIZEN ONE 10 years ago

    Amazing the things I have discovered and analyzed over the years without any scientific research, but sheer commonsense. Ugly or physically challenged men and women have stressed up sperms and ova. Naturally, they lack confid ...
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  • OLDMAN GYASI 10 years ago


  • Akos 10 years ago

    Who are the people that comes up with these outrageous studies? How can an outward appearance be link to sperm production?

  • kwam 10 years ago

    I can never believe this am very handsome and very fertile. so what are they saying? because women they fall kekeke.

  • Kwame 10 years ago

    this is ridiculous...funding for this stupid research could have been rather channeled to more pressing issues like ebola and the rest... since when did outward appearance be the yard stick for fertility???

  • LIZ 10 years ago

    It doesn’t matter to me if handsome men produce low sperm quality. I like handsome men because they are easier to look at and not some animal face gazing at me in the middle of the night. I consider myself to be a “10 ...
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  • Step Up 10 years ago


    Very funny. Are you easy on the eyes?
    If so, then be ready because now you gave me a reason to come after

  • Adobah () 10 years ago

    Hey I am a handsome guy, (at least my mom and wife say so). LOL Yet my sperm bounces, dance, forge ahead and live longer! I can only wonder if my not so handsome me is in my future (Hehehe) else there is nothing to corroborat ...
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  • Kojo Nsiah 10 years ago

    nonsensical research finding.