
Presiding Officers in charge of polling security - IEA

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  • Massa 10 years ago

    Enough grand standing by IMANI, IEA etc. Every time we've had elections the various parties came together to beef up what worked and suggested what need to be done to enhance the process. So this grand standing meant to dis ...
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  • Whatever 10 years ago

    The IEA should replace the 'economic' in their name with 'elections' so that the new election-centered focus they now have will reflect in their their name. What a confused think tank

  • Adiatogbor 10 years ago

    Don't they have anything else to do other than issuing statements on elections that will take place in 2016? No wonder, someone suggested their name is changed to Institute of Elections Affair.

  • Akwesi 10 years ago

    This will be dangerous since most of these presiding officers are easily influence by political parties. Most of them are known partisan in their communities,and tracing them when they offence will be difficult.

  • Kwaku Gloenawo 10 years ago

    When you read too much book you confuse yourself. Common sense is better than academic sense. What about the political affiliations of the presiding officers? You think it will be better to vest all that security power in one ...
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  • Kofi Wusu USA 10 years ago

    This suggestion is a recipe for disaster and it paves the way for rigging especially strong holds of parties. IEA is dong the bid for the NPP cause of the numerical strength of their strongholds