
GFA should be treated as separate agency - NSA Boss

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  • Mr.N 10 years ago

    Ghana do not need Ministry of Youth and Sports it waste of taxpayer's money take youth and sport and add them to education let all sporting disciplines go to private sector for funding.

  • Akamai 10 years ago

    we not in England nor South Africa and this so called judge on commission is incompetent..

  • The mask 10 years ago

    Rape cases are on the increase in Ghana. Judges and WAJU of the Ghana police force must do more to protect our society. Some people have become so notorious of raping and getting away with it. Many believe that it is a weapon ...
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  • Ghfuo: hang nyantakyi! 10 years ago

    I disagree! DON'T treat gfa as a separate entity. The other sporting disciplines like track, boxing, basketball, etc simply don't get the funding, facilities needed for them to be buoyant.