
Money launderers, drug barons enjoy booty

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  • Tina 10 years ago

    With all this you expect Ghana to develop. The judges are rather supporting corruption. Draining the country coffin to drug baron and criminals.

  • dani 10 years ago


  • Nii Akompi Ofadi=Nsuro 10 years ago

    What a is going on in Ghana?, No this can never be true.

  • Ghanaba 10 years ago

    Who are the criminals? Somebody who has work his way up to the top with boldness and risks without taking a penny from the national coffers to the once who stealing from the national coffers on daily basis. Moreover they brin ...
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  • talk-talk 10 years ago

    npp's trade mark.

  • Lolulou 10 years ago

    Unfortunately this is the case.! Absolutely no shame! They have homes, properties that are easily identifiable so seize them end of!

  • puzzie patrol 10 years ago


  • KWASI. Accra. 10 years ago

    Only in Ghana.Is Ghana a serious country?The judiciary is not helping the country at all.

  • oor 10 years ago

    Who made all those laws that danm crook pretending to be the sait znd look at where we are oooooo

  • HIM 10 years ago

    Very High level law enforcement community including some members in the judiciary, and the Executive branch- all condone with these drug barons

  • Loulou 10 years ago

    Disgusting. Assets should be sold off and put into a fund. We have enough moral decay in Ghana let's deal with robustly to send a message!

  • search your soul 10 years ago

    BENJILO IS A CRIMINAL.FULL STOP. Some of these judges are criminals themselves wherever they studied their law. They are so corrupt and think of what ever money they can extort from these criminals and set them free. But they ...
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  • Obed Adore 10 years ago

    Guys, my understanding is that Ghana has no asset confiscation laws when it come to illegal drugs like cocaine etc.. Is this true? Just want to know.

  • Efo 10 years ago

    Concentrate on corruption in Government and leave the drug mafias as the law would catch up with them with the big capuus.

  • Dessy 10 years ago

    Those properties should be seized by state and converted to library or centres for education and training or children's home, shelters for the brind

  • Bobby 10 years ago

    And you blame Rawlings for what? Please Rawlings, come back and clean the system.
    This judge must be castrated. This is how corrupt they are. They are crying over salaries, but go and see the properties they have. Where do ...
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  • Ugly Akufo Addo 10 years ago

    Akufo Addo is also dealing with cocaine

  • Ugly Akufo Addo 10 years ago

    His property should also be confiscate too

  • KANIBA 10 years ago

    Benjilo and WOYOME who deserved to be punished severely? One stole state money and other a drug dealer.

  • Ugly Akufo Addo 10 years ago

    He smoke wee too

  • onipanua 10 years ago

    Akuffo-Addo released seized assets of convicted drug traffickers to them.And this is the man who wants to be the president of Ghana.

  • judge 10 years ago

    and the other day a priest was reported to have said......ghanaians should stop attacks on judges. .....look ghana is a big can a criminal and dangerous person like benjillo win a case against ghana......oh ghana ...
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  • wofa kookor 10 years ago

    these barons rule the country

  • Bell Nono 10 years ago

    Can't anybody appeal. AG Dept should appeal immediately.