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Ghana struggles to reintegrate 'witches'

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  • kwaku-h-Netherlands 9 years ago

    While I as a Christian believe in the works of the devil, at no time are we allowed to brandish someone a witch and harm them or banish them. We need enlightenment.

  • maxfrance 9 years ago

    How can a man from such area with this stupid mentality and believes rule a country like ghana.

  • Yaw Poku, USA 9 years ago

    That's Ghana for you Maxfrance what do expect when so many of the followers of NDC have no brains in their heads. We shall continue to wallow in poverty as long as NDC is in control of affairs with majority of people from ...
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  • Kofi 9 years ago

    Why drag them to court and waste our cocoa money?The district assembly should be allowed to pass a "by law" banning people from accusing people like HER without any "factual evidence". European countries succeeded in banning ...
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  • NOBODY 9 years ago

    Yes, ban the damn backward thinking practice, and also whip the chiefs who encourage this dysfunctional mentality within their communities.

  • Yaovi 9 years ago

    Why are men not found as witches but only women!

  • NOBODY 9 years ago

    The wizards have become pastors. There's no Oz in Ghana, hence no wizards. This is a society where men bully and traumatize women, and it has become an acceptable practice in some quarters. A law should be passed against it, ...
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  • oor 9 years ago

    What is the solution folk . Real men of god and real interllectuals?

  • larry 9 years ago

    This unfortunate incident means, potencially, every woman in Ghana is a are not involved.PURE BACKWARD
    May God forgive us.

  • ago narh 9 years ago

    Solution lies in massive industrialization, urbanization, education, technical progress overtime and space. Witchcraft beliefs persist in societies that are rural, primitive and unenlightened. Do withes camps exist in Tokyo, ...
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  • papillon 9 years ago

    Kwame Nkrumah knew why he opted to dangle the free education carrot in the midst of these people. Africa!!

  • ago narh 9 years ago

    The solution lies in massive industrialization, urbanization, education and a technically developed society. Do we have witches camps in Berlin, Tokyo, Taipei, Riyadh, London etc. Rural and primitive societies are always safe ...
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  • akua 9 years ago

    what happens to men who are wizards?

  • yaw 9 years ago

    shame on Ghana!!

  • gloria usa 9 years ago

    ooooooh Ghana thi is very bad govern
    should ban this barbaric act