
Pres. Mahama Marries Poor Sanitation & Corruption 2

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  • Ghana 9 years ago

    The same unabated meandering around irrelevant issues mostly unrelated to the subject you profess to discuss.

    Juxtapose Dr Bokors salient writings to your incoherent inundatedc chaff that you keep churning out intermittent ...
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  • ADJOA WANGARA 9 years ago

    Kwarteng the paragraph II of your bogus essay is tautologically senseless.:

    --> "Similarly, societies die for lack of adequate oxygenation of the institutional tissues of a body politic. In this context, agents of socializ ...
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  • francis kwarteng 9 years ago

    To Ghana,

    "Your pattern of writings are very confusing because it's difficult to comprehend the scope of your logic."

    The above statement clearly says you have no clue what this article is about. This piece has everythi ...
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  • Ghana 9 years ago

    All you are trying to demonstrate is to conspicuously demonstrate your ability to memorize ostentatious words and splash them in your writings.

    In most of those your sentences, they completely have nothing to do with the ...
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  • Ghana 9 years ago

    These are painful facts, deal with it and you will come out better than what you've been doing so far.

  • francis kwarteng 9 years ago


    Let me remind you again:

    "Your pattern of writings are very confusing because it's difficult to comprehend the scope of your logic."

    Ask Dr. Michael Bokor if he has any problems understanding my simple essays. ...
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  • ADJOA WANGARA 9 years ago

    Any reasonable person know that Kwarteng sells his "ice-cream" straight from the "micro wave" to the public.

    He can only walk, in a process only through "one to one" steps following the footprint of the aged useless Ewe Bo ...
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  • Ghana 9 years ago

    "Anyway let me continue with my porridge and fried eggs".
    Let me put to you that, you are not taking any of the foods you claim to be taking.

    You are inside your cubicle trying to memorize more of your inundated words to ...
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  • Whatso 9 years ago

    Are you trying to communicate with your audience or you are just writing to satisfy your inadequacies in life by making yourself feel important ?

    Are just stupid or plain retarded you are not getting the message ghanaweb r ...
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