
Kojo Antwi says Ghana’s edu system fuels brain drain

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  • jOEy lOndOn 9 years ago

    Good one..

  • BBC NEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9 years ago


  • wazzup 9 years ago

    Why do you have to politicize everything, ? That's not good

  • BBC NEWS! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9 years ago

    Nana binladdo can't even speak his own language the "TWI" He nana doesn't believed in Ghana education system, that is why he went to School in UK with NO certificate.

  • benbelo 9 years ago

    sometimes some people talk like they have no sense at all. You talk politics because your party is not in power.have you ever not noticed that it is not only NDC put all politicians who get in power in Ghana send their kids a ...
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  • konadu Yiadom 9 years ago

    One of the greatest mistakes of African education in the past is that it has thought Africans to become Europeans instead of remaining Africans.
    Being an African is never a curse or a disease, and the African student shoul ...
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  • wazzup 9 years ago

    good one KONADU, We don't value what we have, travel and see and you'll appreciate AFRICA

  • Me 9 years ago

    Best comment so far. God bless you. I love Ghana and Africa. The best parts of the planet. But how can we reverse the current trend of affairs, where every Ghanaian wants to go abroad and when will Ghanaians respect equally a ...
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  • jt 9 years ago

    Kojo, it is interesting to know that we had leaders doesn't even know who they are. Learn from their dresses. Take jj and Agya Attaah out, look at Mahama, look at Kufuor see them at Un meeting the are not Africans not alone G ...
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  • ZABZS BOY 9 years ago

    its now time for Ghana to sanction those who leave the country for overseas for work on their return specially doctors and nurses. all these striking doctors were being sponsored by the Government, but as soon as they gay ex ...
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  • Me 9 years ago

    The Whiteman came here and took all we had. It's time to get back what belongs to us. Back you should use the golden opportunity to rebuild our dear motherland, Ghana. Just a thought.

  • Eric Boateng 9 years ago

    Yes the education in Ghana has gone down the drain.A seven years consecutive period has been shortened by NDC inept government to only two and half years

  • Kofi Mens 9 years ago

    What does this ideot also knew about education. What is his level of education. Is there any scientific basis for his argument. What is wrong in this country. Any ideot can make a noise and it taken seriously.

  • david 9 years ago

    kofi mens,you are not educated yourself.what has somebodys observation got to do with science>?must you be a scientist to know that ghana education is useless?

  • the lone crudader 9 years ago

    Rawlings should carry the whole blame for distroying the system which made what it was and carry his kids outside to benefit the same system and nobody dared raise a hand iheard this morning totobi kwakye is a board chairman ...
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  • Me 9 years ago

    I'm surprised that he has only 14 albums over 30 good years. Perhaps he would have made ten times the number if he took advantage of the opportunities the Western World had to offer ... hahaha.

  • Siisi 9 years ago

    The maestro may sing in Twi but he does not play highlife; he's more oriented towards R&B, Afro-pop and reggae fusions.

  • senior citizen Germany Braunschweig. 9 years ago

    Mr Kodjo Antwi {menewo bewo Akonnoba}a romanmtic album he made in twi meaning,We shall bring forth a bouncing baby,and others which made him very popular amongst women in Europe.What he said is quite true since there are man ...
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  • jimmy 9 years ago

    When somebody as a Ghanaian who stays in US as a taxi driver and in Ghana he is a musician talks about brain drain it is very unfortunate. Kojo Antwi himself is a big brain drain Ghanaian. He spends all his time in US as a ta ...
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  • jOEy lOndOn 9 years ago

    By the way the hmmmpesempesem hair style is an African style .

  • king FM 9 years ago

    I agree man.. he spend his whole life outside like some univ student who were bashing doctors as the biggest brain but all gone after univ up till now not seen I Ghana

  • adanko 9 years ago

    our system too academic like the british and we come out book long but cannot use our knowledge to do anything practical so we look for white colour jobs. the british left that legacy to train people to serve colonial system ...
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  • J. 9 years ago

    Ghana's education system needs change, how we build our schools.. Standard building to conple with today's education God help Gdp trade school