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Thats all we want to here. No divert
Focus on getting your diploma from the Columbus community college where you've spent the last 8 years instead of 2 years. Ignorant fool.
Shame on GNA. What about Ruby case? Have you ever reported any thing about it? Ghana News Agency indeed!
What do you expect? He is down, and they are piling on shamelessly. There was a guy, a really Mr. Nobody, who lived some years ago near my house, and he had five passports.
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There's something fishy about Mr Amoateng's case and I predict that the prosecutor will loose the case because when you read the whole story both the witnesses and the prosecutor, you realised that its a planned thing and it ...
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Oh Ghana! When will this hypocrisy saga end? We all know that this case going on really has nothing to do with the fake passport. After all, how difficult is it to get a genuine Ghana passport?
It's not quite like buying a t ...
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This guy is a convicted drug dealer I have no respect for him. That said there is something fishy about this fake passport thing. He was in prison when the passport was issued in ghana so what is he on trial for? Procecution ...
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Well, BNI knew already, that Amoateng was going to travel on a forged Passport. That is how they could inform the prosecution witness (Lodonu) on August 5, before Amoateng arrived at KIA two days later.
As for the Passport ...
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Exactly. The whole idea stinks. It was a complete set up. The guy was in prison after release he was going to be deported. He did not need a passport. He was set up pure and simple as that. He is a drug dealer but he has serv ...
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Akufo Addo n Amoateng are the same , their all ex convictes n they all dealt with cocaine
You are living your first name which indeed is you. You have exposed yourself. I heard you were their errand guy and having been frightened by a near catch, you absconded even with the kudi in your possession. Well done, you ...
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if ur father is an intelluctual like akuffo addoh,i think u would have love it.stupid idiot
All Meganarco dealers who get arrested, like Amoateng and Amartefeh, and others, must be declared "Stateless" by the International Court of Justice, and banned from traveling.
Npp own cocaine drug baron.
Cheap Money , cheap disgrace . NPP is cocaine. Party true true. All the cheap money they throw is coming from cocaine ? Shame unto the dwarf kapwepwe . I learnt most of his. Friends are drug barons. What a shame. And the ka ...
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Ghana Passport is like toillet paper. Thanks to our government.