
Stop “back to sender” prayers - Apostle Onyinah

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  • IKE 9 years ago

    Hello everybody, This subject is really interesting. It depends on the enemy you're dealing with. If the enemy is human, then I agree with the Apostle that he/she must be treated with love. In fact, such a person rather needs ...
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  • Eld Osafo (k2) 9 years ago

    Well spoken; we should love our enemies in order to win them to the lord.

  • Sakawa Churches 9 years ago

    In your country Ghana, a lot of "Christians" and their Sakawa "prophets" equate specific human to evil spirits. C'mon, didn't you know this? It is always your grandmother or your mother-in-law or your matrimonial rival

  • ghanaba 9 years ago

    well spoken pastor a lesson learnt

  • KFK 9 years ago

    Well said, Apostle.
    However could you please educate us on the use of Psalms in prayer especially Psalm 109,Ps.35 etc.

  • ManBelhomme 9 years ago

    Jesus said, he came to fulfil the prophecies and the law. This means that, we are a new creation and that, if anyone is a true follower of Christ, he or she should obey his teachings. Our Lord thought us to love and eve ...
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  • Avor 9 years ago

    You are right Apostle.Lazy Christians in this generation perceived everything difficult to be the work of an 'enemy'. This should be a wake up call for all

  • Wishful 9 years ago

    Thank you, Apostle Onyinah. This has been my position all along. This is the first time I've heard a true man of God delivering the Gospel truth on this subject. God bless you.

  • ... 9 years ago

    I disagree. why should i suffer for something I no I have not done wrong and the one dishing out troubles and woes is relaxing in comfort and having a laugh? bviously the prayers are strong and impacting the initiater. Second ...
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  • ManBelhomme 9 years ago

    Christ compares his true followers as new and strong wine in a new wine skin. The Old Testament is an integral part of the Bible, but remember, the sacrifice of our Lord was to fulfil all these curses and vengeances that used ...
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  • servant 9 years ago

    no weapon formed against me will prosper; every tongue lifted against me shall be condemned. This is back to sender. let them fall into their trap! why should I look on for the evil one to plan evil against me. back to sender ...
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  • ManBelhomme 9 years ago

    My good friend,let me tell you. There is no weapon so potent and no prayer so powerful than making LOVE your only weapon.Love is light and once it is in you, no evil or power of darkness shall prevail against you. because no ...
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  • Ben 9 years ago

    please apostel Onyinah If I may ask first your name Onyinah does it groryfies GOD or idoils,

    two read Exedus 22-18,suffer not a witch to live.Nahum 3-19 rev 12-7 and there was a war in heaven,michael and his angels fought ...
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  • ghanaba 9 years ago

    This pastor is fake....Where did the Pentecost church pick this one from?

    Agents of Satan have taken over the church.

  • Bishop 9 years ago

    You dont know what you are saying ghanaba. May God forgive you

  • Subtitute Teacher 9 years ago

    Has the Apostle read the book of Psalms especially the 35th Psalm verse 8. Men of God should read the whole scripture before they give advise they know are wrong.

  • Bishop 9 years ago

    It is stated that an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Should Christians take revenge on that quote? If David prayed for revenge on his enemies shd we do same? what did Jesus say concerning our enemies? There is nothing wr ...
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  • Donkor Paul 9 years ago

    Re stop '' back to sender '' prayer,vengiance is of the Lord

  • left right, left right 9 years ago

    Well its true the people should be a blessing. Christ says we should love and bless so nothing wrong there. He said we should love our enemies.
    BUT some people need a wake up call.

    Moses the intercessor. Joshua,and all ...
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  • ofeibadu 9 years ago

    Anybody who reads the Bible without asking why there are two testaments will hardly understand this. Hear Jesus Himself on the matter: "And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we comman ...
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  • ManBelhomme 9 years ago

    You are very close to your salvation.I wish all of us who understand what Christianity or the purpose of Christ coming onto this earth was about would glorify his death on the cross.I can only compare those commenting against ...
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  • Hadassah Owusu 9 years ago

    Is he for real? David prayed against his enemies.What is he talking about?

  • ManBelhomme 9 years ago

    May I ask whether you are a Davidian or a Christian, make your choice. You know what? Christ was accused of doing things contrary to the old establisment, including the Old Testament. If God your Creator should look upon ...
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  • Dominic Kanrah Blay 9 years ago

    Oh God teach us how to pray in season and out of season.

  • Nii Ayi 9 years ago

    Clearly some people are displaying crass ignorance of scripture in the New Testament and so those taking the man on should continue to display their lack of understanding of the dispensation in which we live...They should rea ...
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  • Isaac Yeboah 9 years ago

    Right on the point. Thank u daddy. You are taking the Pentecostal flame to another level. We are solidly behind you. We she show love and rescue the perishing

  • Bishop 9 years ago

    It is rather unfortunate that some people are condemning the man of God for the truth well said. Who is your enemy? is it your mum, dad sister any relative or who? If you think any of them is the cause of your woes consider k ...
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  • Ben 9 years ago

    Please Apostel,a through christian does not prays for human being to die,
    But we pray to kill the satanic powers behind our ploblems,and parallise their negative powers and their activities over our life,

    Read Psalm 35 ...
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  • ManBelhomme 9 years ago

    Is the OLD TESTAMENT AUTHORITATIVE THAN THE "SON OF GOD"? True Christians or followers of Christ would rather obey him than retreating into the Old Testament for inspiration and instruction. Do you remember that Christ came t ...
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  • Aben Aboagyewaa USA 9 years ago

    God bless you. Its time our pastors and loving people of God learn what our lord and savior has done and stop wasting precious time on satan and aides.They are powerless spirits and your prayer cannot kill them.ABENA IS KILLI ...
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  • Deacon David Akudbilla 8 years ago

    Back to sender prayer is really a waste of time and energy. We must not concentrate on the enemy rather,we should focus on our comforter

  • AARON 7 years ago

    How can u say the man of God is Ignorant.pls mind ur words and dnt take things for granted.The way u talk even show that u dont know the prinsciples of God. Change ur life first or else u will waste ur tym on powerless spirit ...
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