
NPP mourns King Abdullah

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  • NANA ADDO IS A BIG CONMAN. 9 years ago

    How can a so called democrat praise a despot. I hope Ghanaians are watching you. You are just mere words and full of deceit.

  • BBC NEWS! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9 years ago

    This is called, A BRIDGE TO NO-WHERE !!! So "God forbid" If Nana Akanfuo Binaddo is a President of Ghana and the opposition LEADER going around the world, pretending he is the president, will Nana be happy with that perso ...
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  • RJ 9 years ago

    When will someone tell this short and ugly pygmy called Akuffo Addict to stop making a fool of himself.
    Mitt Romney, his "co-equal" in US didn't go to Saudi Arabia. It was Obama who went.
    From congratulation David Cameron t ...
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  • ED 9 years ago

    They went to the residence not Saudi. Please learn to read well

  • KOFI KOFI 9 years ago


  • hanza 9 years ago

    waaa look,are the president?A wanna be president but u cant be bcos of the curse by Nkrumah so his ghost will not allow u 2 go near his Ghana

  • TIJANI 9 years ago

    how many people of yours from Africa died from Ebola in Liberia Guinne and Serra lion, have you visited them or send a message of condolence to them. in fact, you are wasting your time, because the Saudi ambassador knows you ...
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  • @@@@@@@@ 9 years ago

    The evil men commits always lives after them.pls go and watch crying freedom. And stop ur nonsense.

  • NANA ADDO IS A BIG CONMAN. 9 years ago

    So is Nana Addo turning a blind eye on Ebola patients, politics and him seeking after the rich and powerful even in death, diplomacy.
    No wonder Africa will remain poor with this level of thinking.
    You lots think the white ...
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  • Mr. Smith 9 years ago

    TIJANI, Allah bless you! May HIS message of peace be showered upon you. You have made a wonderful observation. These people don't know the difference between diplomacy and politics. Shame unto them. Always in the lead to emba ...
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  • Efo Kwaku Canada 9 years ago

    Who cares about NDC idiots and fools comments? You're just afraid of this wise man full of knowledge and wisdom that NDC don't have such calibre of individuals in your party , but your attack on him doesn't change anything j ...
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  • RJ 9 years ago

    Efo Kwamme, an ant sees a rat as a very big animal, but an elephant sees the rat as a tiny speck.

    If you think this man "is wise and full of knowledge and wisdom" then I am convinced without doubt that you are in the lowes ...
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  • adumtumi nyansfuo 9 years ago


  • TEMA PORT DUTY ? 9 years ago


  • Onipanua 9 years ago

    This is a party with no moral scruples.I hope the NPP will tell the feudalists ruling Saudi Arabia that their kingdom has got the worst human rights record in the world.Even women are not allowed to drive and it is also total ...
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  • Abeeku Mensah 9 years ago

    I have always believed that conservatives are either pretentious in what they purport to believe in or they show contempt and disdain in public for precisely what it is that they are in the closet. My one question to NPP lead ...
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  • Kofi 9 years ago

    Saudi Arabia has carried out the second, third and fourth beheadings under the reign of King Salman just days after he assumed the throne.
    Today's executions of the men, two of whom were accused of drug smuggling, show the o ...
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  • NANA ADDO IS A BIG CONMAN. 9 years ago

    It is always development first and human rights second when it is about them and their friends, ie, Busua and Apartheid South Africa.
    But when it comes to their opponents such in Nkrumah, they would want the reverse and alw ...
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  • Baffour Agyemang 9 years ago

    The NPP lead by Nana Addo do not respect the Mahama presidency and the state protocol. Nana Addo is happy and will crab the least opportunity to usurp the president. Where is Sarpong, the so called Cardinal of Truth to defe ...
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  • Pro GHANA I A N 9 years ago

    Thank God, one rotten dictator less!
    And NPP is first to run there and "mourn"!

    What for?????? This King, as all his family is just an US-puppet, and has never heard anything of "democracy"

  • nii moi 9 years ago

    Hey boys dey struggle oooo Just for power. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  • SAM 9 years ago

    Honestly speaking, this foolish drug addict is the most dangerous idiot of this country. What kind of frustration is this always coming from him ! This stupid and useless hopeless idiot is always carrying himself up as if he ...
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  • Fiifi Ghanaba 9 years ago

    Don't display your ignorance.
    Check out world news. Is Miss Cond. Rice under ex-president Bush Jnr, John McCain who were part of a 90 member US delegation who went before President Obama Democrats or Republican?

  • MAHAMA LOOT ND SHARE 9 years ago


  • ugly akufo addo 9 years ago

    he will die this year

  • Yankee 9 years ago

    What is the sense in all that? Ghana president sign book of condolences on behalf Ghanaians, and a political party within the state is also signing another book of condolences? This attitude of double standard behavior will f ...
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  • Mars1 9 years ago

    Now talk about ass kissing big time. Don't this folks have any sense of shame!So, while they are at it, they should also read the progressive international press about that country's contribution to international terrorism li ...
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  • Boateng 9 years ago

    And Saudi women can not drive in their own country? They have to travel outside their country to have the priviledge to drive?