
The African Union under Mugabe

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  • Kwadwo 9 years ago

    This is my beef with Nkrumaism. Get these inept governments off our backs and the individuals can build a better lives for themselves.

  • Mahmoud 9 years ago

    It is a disaster!

  • Mahmoud 9 years ago

    Author: Kafui Ama
    Date: 2009-07-23 01:44:06

    Please be patient and read this to the end.

    By Craig Murray, former Deputy British High Commisssioner to Ghana | Posted: Tuesday, January 20, 2009

    ... It was Novembe ...
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  • francis kwarteng 9 years ago


    Nkrumahism also produced/influenced the likes of Nelson Mandela and several others. Nkrumahism also influenced Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Toure) and greatly impacted the Civil Rig ...
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  • SARPONG 9 years ago

    Francis, I continue to avoid your lair but since none of those Nkrumah apologists have been able to define the theory of "Nkrumaism" to me and you are a proponent of this idealism, maybe you can help me understand what Nkruma ...
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  • francis kwarteng 9 years ago

    TITLE: Obama Signs Executive Order Closing Congress

    WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In a historic Oval Office ceremony on Thursday morning, President Barack Obama signed an executive order closing Congress, effective im ...
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  • SARPONG 9 years ago

    Another Nkrumah believer who can't even define the meaning of Nkrumaish.

  • SARPONG 9 years ago

    You are wrong trying to get credit for Nkrumaism for Martin Luther King's achievement. Whilst Nkrumah and his adherents were agitating for confrontation with Colonial masters to achieve independence, Martin Luther King was pr ...
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  • Pelicles 9 years ago

    You know the how the fetus of Nkrumah was formed in his mother's womb till he became our first leader. My question to you is, who was his vice president when he was our president? Nkrumah is being praised as if he did everyt ...
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  • francis kwarteng 9 years ago

    From the New Yorker (For you Pellicles)


    TITLE: Obama Signs Executi ...
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  • francis kwarteng 9 years ago


    Most of these corrupt African leaders have their strongest support in the West, not in Africa. Paul Kagame, Yoweri Museveni, and the late dictator of Ethiopia Meles Zenawi had their strongest support from the West. ...
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  • francis kwarteng 9 years ago


    I will prefer you take your time to read all the sources---including the CIA records I mentioned---and come back again. Please. That will help a lot.

    You might want to add Richard D. Mahiney's "JFK: Ordeal in A ...
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  • Kwadwo 9 years ago

    I stated in one of my comments that Howard Bain, of the CIA , masterminded the overthrow of Nkrumah. In fact, he received an intelligence star and several promotions for the overthrow. I also conceded that Busia, Danguah and ...
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  • Pelicles 9 years ago

    We can come up with our solution simply on paper but in practical, it is not doable. We are too corrupt. Corruption is what is keeping us at bay. We cannot develop without eliminating corruption and we do not need a rocket s ...
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  • Says Who 9 years ago

    Why was it that Mugabe was feted by the advanced nations for years until he decided that some were unfairly dispossesed in his country and moved to redistribute resources by taking land mainly from a few well placed Zimbabwea ...
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  • Nii 9 years ago

    Lets face facts and be realistic. On a cost benefit analyses, Mugabe has destroyed his country.

  • The mask 9 years ago

    Mugabe is appropriate for many reasons

    1. Mugabe lived in Ghana when Nkrumah, the father of African nationalim, was in power.

    2. Mugabe has attended more OAU/AU African summits than any other African leader.

    3. Mengi ...
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  • Prof Lungu 9 years ago

    READ: "...Neither side, however, is talking about the real issue of economics—and freedom for Africans to raise themselves out of poverty, unshackled from State serfdom..."

    OUR COMMENT: We are thinking it is more a case ...
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  • francis kwarteng 9 years ago

    Prof. Lungu,

    Most of these corrupt African leaders have their strongest support in the West, not in Africa. Paul Kagame, Yoweri Museveni, and the late dictator of Ethiopia Meles Zenawi had their strongest support from the ...
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  • Prof Lungu 9 years ago

    We know African leaders have been co-opted, or extinguished, by the West and other nations in other spheres, for their own strategic interests.

    But good intentions can become stale. And Mugabe is of that sort.

    You do n ...
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  • Mensah 9 years ago

    That idiot is so anti Western, he will blame all Africans problems on the west,and he refuses to accept that we Africans are the causes of our own misery. I can bet he is one of the corrupt Politicians stealing from the poor ...
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  • francis kwarteng 9 years ago


    Prof. Lungu never deflated anyone.

    What has Prof. Lungu's statment about Mandela got to do with my comments to him? NOTHING. Where in my comments did I say or imply Mandela was better/worse than African leaders ...
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  • Kofi Ata, Cambridge, UK 9 years ago

    The Asian Tigers were successful because industrialization was led by the state and at the expense of democracy in those days. Again, these societies are disciplined, unlike Ghana or Africa where our people are indisciplined ...
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  • YAW 9 years ago

    Spot on! IMANI..would not have existed in Indonesia or Malaysia under their respective leaders watch.Trade Unions,Free Press or Freedom of Association were all no-go areas.Sometimes,I wonder whether these guys in Ghana apprec ...
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  • francis kwarteng 9 years ago

    Dear Brother Kofi Ata,

    Spot on.

    This exactly what I have been this past few days in my articles.

    Have a great week.

  • francis kwarteng 9 years ago

    From the New Yorker


    TITLE: Obama Signs Executive Order Closing Con ...
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  • Prof Lungu 9 years ago

    A perfectly positioned and articulated hoax of a headline/story, of course!

    ITEM: Astute minds in America and all over the world who have a fairly elementary view of world history understand that the American Republican ...
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  • OBIBINI 9 years ago

    Africa does not need economic freedom before it can unite.A united Africa can easily formulate the framework within it can move forward economically.A united Africa can easily harness Africa's enormous resources for the rapi ...
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  • Gyamfi 9 years ago

    If dramani mahama can be president of Nkrumah's Ghana, anybody can lead AFRICAN union. By the way Mugabe is far far far better a leader than mahama. His policies are too AFRICAN and antagonistic to the west, colonialists wher ...
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  • francis kwarteng 9 years ago

    Please see the piece in the New Yorker.

    TITLE: Obama Signs Executive Order Closing Congress

    WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In a historic Oval Office ceremony on Thursday morning, President Barack Obama signed an exe ...
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  • GH-Atheist 9 years ago

    The New Yorker article is not meant to be taken as a matter of fact. It's satire.

  • Prof Lungu 9 years ago

    A perfectly articulated, positioned, hoax!

  • Paul 9 years ago

    Clearly Franklin Cudjoe is so ignorant, he has not made any effort to study Robert Mugabe. For his information, Mugabe is more intelligent, practical and has made more impact in his country and in Africa than Cudjoe would eve ...
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  • GH-Atheist 9 years ago

    The New Yorker article Francis Kwarteng keeps posting is satire and not an actual news story.

    I don't know what point Francis is trying to make but Obama has not signed an executive order closing congress - he can't do tha ...
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  • freddie 9 years ago

    Africa union under mogabe? It's another hopeless union anyway so no wonder.