
Murdered amputee buried; Heartless soldiers go scot free

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  • Kosi Ametefe Dogbe 9 years ago

    What is happening to my dear Ghana? Are we back to JJ Rawlings 1979 era where half-baked intellectuals who could neither crack Legon Business School nor Law Faculty and ended up in the military were terrorising Ghanaians?

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  • PRINCE OF PEACE 9 years ago

    Please America help us because under P/NDC', soldiers, police and party members have been, and continue to be, above all laws in Ghana. Hence they kill, steal, take bribes, seize innocent people's property, brutalise opponent ...
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  • KWASI IN EUROPE 9 years ago

    Don't forget that NDC will soon see this as a political attack by NPP. We have thieves in power who insult to get promotion. I once saw a drunken policeman with a gun boarding a trotro bus in Accra.

  • Kwabena Adutwum 9 years ago

    If the dead goats refuse to take action to punish the animals without brains, I advise the fanily members to get help from the most powerful shrines in Ghana or Togo to curse those beasts. This is what all would- be victims m ...
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  • Mr Araba 9 years ago

    Shame on you Ghana, does it have to take the Great USA to come in to solve our domestic problems? In the USA, there is law and accountability, where as in Ghana it is Woyome, Naa Yalele, Mahama etc. Where is our judiciary? wh ...
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  • Mike Olongo, USA 9 years ago

    Police atrocities against innocent unarmed black young men and women in the USA are commonplace but that country's congress does not even think it is an issue worth discussing. There is no shame on Ghana. If the American Emba ...
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  • Mr Araba 9 years ago

    Mr Olongo, thank you for your response. I must admit, you raised some very critical and valid points in your argument. I am very impressed with you. I am very aware of those key facts but i chose not to dwell on it, the reaso ...
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  • Mike Olongo, USA 9 years ago

    You are perfectly right about these facts on Ghana. And that is why the country is lagging behind in development. Unfortunately the devious leaders and the citizenry who do not even seem to know their rights think the Wester ...
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  • Ametor Kwami 9 years ago

    The soldiers may go scot-free for now but the blood of the murdered shall be upon their heads and those of their descendants up to 4 generations.

  • Modibo Keita 9 years ago

    When Vagabonds are in power , what do you expect? Now American Embassy has to solve our problems for us.What a shame, IGP what are you doing?

  • United Ghana 9 years ago

    Isn't it sad that Ghanaians cannot trust their own govt to give them justice?

  • kpakpo 9 years ago

    american embassy human rights people shoud go to america and investigate why white poice that kill black men in america go free.

  • Abeeku Mensah 9 years ago

    Folks who orchestrated, conspired with foreign interests and incited tribal animus to create reasons for the 1966 coup are the very people who continue to sell fallacies of their brand of a democratic Ghana.
    A read of articl ...
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  • emma boy from uk 9 years ago

    Ghanaian soldiers and police are only good for taking bribes stupid fools God go punish you one by one.

  • Boniface 9 years ago

    I was arrested for no reason at all, charged with nothing and humiliated before the whole community. I was latter freed and asked to go home without shirt or sandals. The driver's name is Tenu and his other colleague is Agbek ...
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  • Tp 9 years ago

    Marshall ur facts well before publishing useless articles of des nature. Dis s a sad event dat involved one soldier wid De remainder being police pers. "calmlife" patrols involves jz a soldier in a section of Police. No secur ...
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  • k.boateng london 9 years ago

    oh no

  • Siisi 9 years ago

    My condolences to the family of the victim; I also support their quest to secure justice in this matter. however, I don't think it's any business of the US to come posing as a champion of justice for the oppressed. It should ...
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  • Ashanti armed robbers 9 years ago

    Look at you ugly thieves who want to rule(Beast)

  • nii nii niiiii 9 years ago

    Ghana is a police state,and Ghanaians are in total bondage period,no justice in that country.Our research concludes that foreigners are not impressed with Ghana.

  • franky gee 9 years ago

    damn i couldn t believe this as i red it?
    what has happened to ghana???
    police terrorising and even are killing citizens? i never tought something like this could ever happen..
    I live in europe so iam not that familiar wit ...
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  • Brian Williams 9 years ago

    Yes the United States can help by stopping all aid to Ghana. This brutal act is very troubling. And for the government of Ghana not to prosecute is even more troubling.

  • Shabi 9 years ago

    The US Embassy is not an arm of the Govt of Ghana and neither are they a registered NGO in Ghana so they should keep out of our internal affairs.

    No embassy or diplomatic mission anywhere in the world has the right to go ...
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  • Iona 9 years ago

    That military man has to be brought into books. He has to be jailed for the rest of his life. Be careful with Ghana police. They are liars and they will cover the truth.

  • appiah 9 years ago

    What rights do the Ghanaian citizens have?

  • MUMU VOTERS 9 years ago

    I cant understand why blacks behave like this, give a haman bing uniform he/she tutn to animal. They also forgot the bullet they use was also the man tax money including their uniform. Whats go around come around

  • PAPSON 9 years ago

    Even the president is afraid of the soldiers, and the foolish man who call himself the MP of this area could not help the poor family. God is watching.

  • SAM 9 years ago

    WHY ARE THESE POLICE AND MILITARY PEOPLE DOING TO THE PEOPLE OF GHANA.SOMEWHERE lst year a guy was beaten mercilessly in Bekwai,nothing was done to them.after that someone was attacked and killed in agona to death,as at now ...
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  • odensi 9 years ago

    Is there any justice in ghana? and when the poor and minority going to have justice.This is the case where AG and BNI should involve to search for the truth.Thanks to American Embassy and other organizations to stand up for i ...
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