
$940 Million IMF Loan To Support Reform Plan..

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  • fkbf 9 years ago

    Be careful about conditions attached

  • OLIVIA 9 years ago

    ndc is criminal and heartless as they loot our monies and destroy the economy which has brought ghana down to its knees.... waaaaa look at this stupidity and criminality of the mafia-ndc govt which paid out almost a total of ...
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  • OLIVIA 9 years ago

    waaaaa look at this stupidity and criminality of the mafia-ndc govt which paid out almost a total of one billion dollars in fake jdgmt debts only for ghana to go to IMF for such an amount of bail out.....this is beyond stupid ...
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  • United Ghana 9 years ago

    Do we need IMF to tell us to borrow affordably & sustainably? No we don't. This govt is just plain clueless & continues to borrow recklessly - foreign & domestic - with no regards to sustainability. They've gone along with th ...
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  • Akwaaba 9 years ago

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  • just asking 9 years ago

    fuck off with your 419 mafia! are the ambassador?

  • Mike 9 years ago

    More flush flush,vote these useless people out.They are running the country in the ground.The NDC party should be put out of business.They have no idea how to run the country.All this money going into a black hole.The people ...
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  • Says Who 9 years ago

    How do they sleep at night?

  • Georgian 9 years ago

    I was not sure of getting a legit loan lender online But when i could not face my Debt any more, my son was on hospital bed for surgery that involve huge money and i also need ...
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