
A Ghanain Lawyer In U.S. Honored As A Senior Counselor:

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  • kofi (usa) 9 years ago

    Please do not forget Ghana

  • the don 9 years ago

    Lol well good for him but how does this directly benefit our country ghanaweb???time to wake up from this lazy way of thinking

  • Antwi 9 years ago

    Well done accept my congratulations for making Ghana proud.

  • Asemaba 9 years ago

    This looks like an article written by this Boateng man to praise himself, haba! Are you that desperate to be praised?

  • Esi 9 years ago

    Haha, they say the lizard that jumps from the iroko tree to the ground says if no one praised him, he would praise himself.

    I join others in saying congratulations to Dr. Agyenim Boateng on his personal accomplishment.

  • Ike 9 years ago

    Good job hon. You indeed deserve the title honorable.... Not like some people I know.....

  • Mama's baby boy in racist US 9 years ago

    Racist as white America is, even one black person was lucky to make the list in racist Kentucky! So if whites had least make the person a foreign-born! While the police keep shooting weapon-less Afr Amer males in the ...
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  • Nana Akuffo 9 years ago

    Did Dr. Boateng write this article himself? Hmmmmm.Why should he be praising himself in such a fashion? By the way, someone from Ghana is called a Ghanaian and NOT Ghanain.

  • Apuutoo 9 years ago

    Yes, I came to the US in the 1970s with government of Ghana scholarship award long instituted by Kwame Nkrumah soon after our independence with cocoa farmers' money with the view of building the human resources capacity of Gh ...
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  • Kofi Ellison 9 years ago

    Obuabasa, congratulations.

    You deserve all accolades, and you achieved everything by dint of hard work. Worthy of emulation.

    I pray this recognition by your peers helps to mute the sadness brought on by the recent pas ...
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  • Amed 9 years ago

    Maybe something is wrong with this dude. He wrote a sad article about his wife yesterday. Maybe he is going through some kind of pain..He lost his wife. Please spare him

  • Joe 9 years ago

    his wife passed away last two weeks, how can a man in mourning write this article to praise himself. He sent his brothers body to Ghana to bury, at the airport coming back got the news of his wife's death. leave him alone.