
Radio Gold’s Suhuyini to contest Tamale North NDC seat

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  • Adam 9 years ago

    You have my blessings bro, go for it. May Allah guide and protect you.

  • jejeti 9 years ago


  • eva 9 years ago

    ur hv natin special to rescue the develish tribal party. thieves.goats

  • eva 9 years ago

    no wiseman in ndc. stupid fooooooooolssssss

  • Aburubilla 9 years ago

    What a welcome decision. We are behind u.

  • Branaboy 9 years ago

    The word is "SEIZE" not "CEASE". The latter meaning to STOP while for former means GAIN or WREST power.

    To think we are having another nitwit via for a parliamentary seat. No wonder the parliament of Ghana is ineffective

  • Justice 9 years ago

    Why not? That's the shortest cut to make money in Ghana today.

  • All Die Be Die 9 years ago

    did I read you calling someone a nitwit and yet you don't know the differences between VIA and VIE? Hahaha, so who is the nitwit here? Dumbass, go find out what is VIA and VIE, kwasiato, we VIE for a seat and go to kejetia VI ...
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  • Hannah Mawusi 9 years ago

    Good luck

  • nana kweku 9 years ago

    he should dream on? joke

  • MATH 9 years ago

    waaaoooo u r long overdue bro ...gud luck

  • MATH 9 years ago

    goood luck bro

  • Galbose 9 years ago

    These thieves?well,I know he won't succeed. Mark it on the wall.they. Have bigger thieves and old ones at the constituency. He can't make it.It's worth trying though.

  • Fatawu lansah 9 years ago

    Count my vote, may Allah guide you and we can't wait for November 7.

  • Alhassan Walla 9 years ago

    Leave Allah out of your clandestine move. You want to ride on the back of your illiterate folks to go and steal the state's money to fill your protruding stomach. Fool, your "secret" diabolical intention has been unmasked. Yo ...
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  • SYLVIA 9 years ago

    Eva or what ever you call yourself, please respect yourself a little bit.
    I think you are a lady, so talk like a l ady and watch your tongue.

  • Suleman Seidu/South Africa 9 years ago

    Eva re u a true Ghanaian?if yes,then u re uncultured cos elders lyk ur Dad,Mum,Grandparents are associated with the NDC and u claim they re all fools?God 4gv u

  • Sammy 9 years ago

    My bro have my support