
GJA President Affail Monney must resign – Ash GJA chair

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  • MR. KOFI 9 years ago

    If he does not care about the same people he is presiding over then why not resign and let someone who cares come in.

  • Former 9 years ago

    Gentlemen why are we making too much noise and politics about this case. Yes a colleague is dead too bad but we have to take it as such. Is this the first time a vehicle traveling had a burst tyre and got involved in accident ...
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  • John,Tema 9 years ago

    In the first place its not the duty of govt to provide transport to journalists to cover its activities.The govt may have done that just to influence their reportage(i.e.SOLI).The journalists have the right to reject it.

  • Talk Sam 9 years ago

    What do you by he does not care? You him to lie about the fact the vehicle was in good condition? Come again moron

  • Nana Osei Yaw 9 years ago

    Yes what are we hearing now and from where? ASHANTI REGION. Hmmmmmmm

  • KaboroM 9 years ago

    Monney is under the influence of soli money!

  • Louis 9 years ago

    They are furious because he didn't lambast the government to their pleasure.

  • TARANTULA 9 years ago

    Of course the govt must be lambasted. They must be lambasted because even if it was not their responsibility to hire a vehicle for the journalists, the incompetence and inability of govt to ensure that the govt agencies in ch ...
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  • Honestly 9 years ago

    The presidency is known for dashing cash money to journalists. Monney got his.

  • Love 9 years ago

    The Ashanti GJA president is a known NPP man.

  • adam 9 years ago

    Give us a break lost defeated NPP boy

  • back door director 9 years ago

    Typical Ghanaian journalist at his best

  • Solo Pobee 9 years ago

    The Ashanti Regional Chairman of the GJA must rather resign for contesting for an NPP Parliamentary slot. Is it because Affrail Monney asked him to resign, so this time it is 'tit-for tat'.

  • Talk Sam 9 years ago

    Ah ah ah, resign for sticking to the facts and also for speaking the truth? You are a big disgrace. Why don't u tell us what is the norm when covering journalist travel with president? Don't oppose just because. Shame on you

  • Prempeh 9 years ago

    He did nothing wrong

  • Kwame 9 years ago

    The vehicle was on the road which means that it has a road wealthy certificate, in the absence of it it should not have been on the road.

  • TRUTH 9 years ago

    It is just pay back but unfortunately it would not work. You sat in a vehicle; claimed driver was driving recklessly and you stupidly looked on. There was an accident and you ate now saying the vehicle was not in good condit ...
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  • Togas 9 years ago

    We are morning please! why create mountains out of mole hills? Where is the charity we so love?

  • CHARLEY 9 years ago

    Right buddy! This disappointed NPP slob wants a tit for tat!!!

  • Akuffo Bawumia 9 years ago

    Journalists please give us a break. This was purely an accident. You don't expect Mr Monney to tell the truth? Just bcos he is the Prez of GJA he shd lie? Have u never heard of brand new cars bursting a tyre. Don't waste ou ...
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  • Aniagyei 9 years ago

    Rabble rouser in Kumasi! Stick to your schedules and get over your political nightmarish dreams! Your tit for tat wont work. Shitty journalist!!!!

  • Chiefi amankwa 9 years ago

    Rubbish idiot
    Ike that