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The need for a united Homowo in UK

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  • Joe 8 years ago

    Quite right. however because the Ga state is the capital there is a lot of interference from political powers. No matter how many times a president or government official will say they are not into chieftaincy, there are in i ...
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  • Kodjo 8 years ago

    There is the need to en stool the right Mantsemei especially those who are educated and already self made and can make meaningful contributions in the national house of chiefs and also face up to government bullying.We need t ...
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  • Bibini Kwasia 8 years ago

    but is there any more Ga land left to be sold? The government, the chiefs and their collaborators have already sold all the land and the little that is left is under litigation.

    Sadly, the chiefs have failed the future gen ...
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  • faith VILLAINS 8 years ago

    Millionaires and billionaires shall have free life of living to the Kingdom of God, no matter what. Steve Job shouldn't had died. Robin Willians shouldn't had committed suicide. Elizabeth Taylor should have had the wildest fu ...
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  • faith VILLAINS 8 years ago

    I mean to say seventh folds of filth in all superpower or civilizations, we are dealing with today on earth. Violence, wars, sexual promiscuities, lies, hate, deceptions, vanities, I can't even count. Maybe more.

  • Ablade Mansaalor Hiegbelelor 8 years ago

    A well argued if somewhat mischievous article designed to deflect attention from the real reasons for a lack of desire for as unified Homowo in the UK. The practical reasons for coming together far outweigh the current fragm ...
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  • Gateway 1000 8 years ago

    Uniting small Kingdoms into a bigger, centralised Kingdom is a big concept that take skills, impartiality and significant external inputs. All great kingdoms have been formed with "outsiders" being the main concept developers ...
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  • Ataa Nii Sowah U.S.A 8 years ago

    Part of our culture which makes it so hard to turn a stranger away without providing free shelter, food and assistance perhaps are the root cause of our downfall. Oftentimes that hospitality is later seen and very much consid ...
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