
Victory Bible Church consecrates six new bishops

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  • central regional peace council 8 years ago

    Bishop Richard Ampadu-Duku, On this special occasion, may God's love and blessing be upon you, and may He give you continued grace, peace and wisdom as you are promoted in the ministry.

  • Afrikikoman 8 years ago

    Followers of the Savior Mesaiah with Bishop titles as Roman army hierarchy. I wonder, where are the knights and pontious pilates. Christianity in military order. Where did they got these title from? Mostly, the baptist go by ...
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  • Afrikikoman 8 years ago

    This is the reason why they want their church to focus on objectives, instead of the personality, to eliminate truth, as if objectives gives same meaning and purpose to worship. The anti Jesus Christ plans to divert scripture ...
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  • Afrikikoman 8 years ago

    The new testament comes to completes the old testament by easing the difficulties facing mortals to meet the will of the Lord God. The old consisting of Law made difficult to fulfill, since breaching one breaches all. The sen ...
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  • Afrikikoman 8 years ago

    All these came about, when creation with innocence and purity got tainted with sin, the transgression of the word of God was introduced into man, the lovely creator curse human and placed us under punishment for hard labors. ...
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  • Afrikikoman 8 years ago

    Spies behind my tablet change SOUL spelling to Sould by typing letter "d" to change my intent. This what they do all the time to obscure what they started on me thinking they could win, while refusing to conclude their vile, ...
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  • Afrikikoman 8 years ago

    Reading voluntory contribution or faith villain series gives a brief concise eloborative understanding to the whole bible like bed time stories. Copy them all, proof read them for your children or future generations, else the ...
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  • Afrikikoman 8 years ago

    Bishop should not be a title for Jesus Christ discipleship, because they took to him the brutality of crucifixion if you have forgotten. How come that title introduction into His churches? Confusions, amazement, perplexing fl ...
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  • Afrikikoman 8 years ago

    Now that sovereignty of nations do not matter USA and other advance countries leaderships should be participated by everyhuman, because their decisions affects all. NDC and NPP programmes are removing Ghana's sovereignty. Maj ...
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