
More footbridges on N1 highway soon – Fuseini

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  • Comment 250 8 years ago

    Focus on the potholes and roads from the 1950's.

  • PRINCE KWASI ADADE (OFIE P33) 8 years ago

    AUTHOR: CYNTHIA--------This is the mindset of blacks....... Our wickeeeeeeedddd politicians prefer to use voters who don't think analytically at all so that they can CREATE LOOT SHARE AND WEEP WHEN CAUGHT......... CAN YOU IMA ...
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  • dd 8 years ago

    Traffic lights and not foot bridges.stop calling that road a high way.highway in the middle of the city?

  • ADEPA K 8 years ago

    This Minister is a buffoon. The footbridge was part of the initial project. When NDC came to power in 2009 the stop the project and said they were doing due diligence on it. How there were going to do it only God knew at that ...
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  • PETER 8 years ago


  • Koranteng - Virginia USA 8 years ago

    It is easy to say but implementation hard

  • yaw 8 years ago

    Don,t the engineers know that we need these foot bridges. Causing the dead of 150 pedestrians. What a shame

  • WHITE THINKING 8 years ago

    The blackman is a fool and will remain so. I think the blackman is a bit better than an animal. How could you have a 14 kilometre stretch of road with 6 footbridges? Also with the numerous resources in Ghana, IMF slave condit ...
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  • EZEKIEL 8 years ago

    and which TIME FRAME is " SOON" ???
    These MORONS of Ministers should give us a break!!