
Review: The End of Poverty by Jeffrey Sachs

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  • Kwame Awuyah 8 years ago

    A good report on Jeffrey Sach's study on Africa, Brako-Powers analyses Sach's work and even relies on Walter Rodney to critique Sachs. However, Brako-Powers does not offer much suggestion beyond the trendy advocacy for scienc ...
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  • Nii Teiko 8 years ago

    Very informative. We have people who only waste this space with Nkrumah built Tema Harbor, Nkrumah build akosombo, etc... I mean something that every idiot knows

  • Okponglo guy 8 years ago

    Sadly, the dimwits have little to comment on this so they wouldn't.

    All the factors identified by both Sachs and Rodney are relevant. However, I believe that the primary ingredient that will transform Africa is leadership ...
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