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Upper West Akyem NDC claims MP is US citizen

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  • Abdul 8 years ago

    I don't know why this law was enacted, there are countries who welcomes their citizens who have gone to learn and are willing to share what they have learned to develop their countries. There are presidents from various coun ...
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  • Constable Joy 8 years ago


  • Abdul 8 years ago

    It's because you guys are scared of competition, you know you wouldn't stand a chance if you're to compete with us. So, out of your selfishness, you put yourself ahead on national development.

  • SayWhat! 8 years ago

    Exactly , they fear competition because they know they are mediocre in everything they do and won't change
    They Tarkwa Kayas sll

  • Pk 8 years ago

    This ridiculous law needs to be changed. I can't understand why in the first place it was included in the Constitution. I don't see how it serves us well. What sort of loyalty do people of dual citizenship lack? Ridiculous me ...
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  • kwame USA 8 years ago

    Yep my good friends the law is smart.One can use that position ,dupe the nation and escape to other.If you become a citizen of other country,you swear an oath and disown your original country so how can you hold a higher off ...
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  • Kwasi Asante, R.I. USA 8 years ago

    The most stupidity about this foolish law is that when it comes to playing
    football to win international glory, we run after Ghanaians children born and lived their entire live abroad.
    Kevin Boateng, Kwarasey, Kwasi Appiah, ...
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  • Joe Turkey 8 years ago

    So what's the point in asking Ghanaians in the diaspora to come back home and contribute their quota to national development. You want them to come and lick your ass. It's the law that must change. Notice, the petitioners did ...
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  • Kwabena Aboagye 8 years ago

    The Upper West Akyem NDC executives are jumping the gun. it is early days yet! The man is an aspiring MP and has only won the primaries. What if he renounces the US citizenship before the 2016 elections?. There is also a dist ...
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  • Abdul 8 years ago

    Kwabena, regardless of the statue of this fella, I don't think anyone who is willing to serve the nation should be excluded just because he risked by leaving Ghana to better himself. I'm sure anyone who follows technology kn ...
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  • Yaw Adu-Asare 8 years ago

    Is Kwabena Aboagye arguing for his own case?
    Maybe keeping quiet would serve Kwabena better than running his mouth. The constitution of Ghana has to be respected in all cases. Dig it.

  • awoh 8 years ago

    if you hold dual nationality where do your loyality lies?????

  • Abdul 8 years ago

    The answer to your question is very simple. No Ghanaian left Ghana just because he hated it, he/she left to better himself and to improve the life of the extended family he left behind. Therefore, if we had no loyalty to Gha ...
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  • Ajet Nassam The Wicked Judge 8 years ago

    The answer to his question is simple. its in his empty head. Dont waste your time on this fool

  • Yaw Adu-Asare 8 years ago

    Ghanaians who left their country and sought different citizenship did so by choice and the constitution of Ghana cannot be changed to accommodate their personal interest.
    Those who have broken the nationality law of Ghana mu ...
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  • Yaw Manu 8 years ago

    You think from your anus.

  • kwame USA 8 years ago

    Change back to full Ghanaian citizen if you want to hold higher office.Same laws are applied in most countries

  • VVIP+NDC=Cocaine 8 years ago

    there is real Violence in NDC amid incompetency and massive corruption

  • VVIP 8 years ago

    Expertise in this situation just as they did in the general election and now, thy are doing to their own people

  • Jack, London 8 years ago

    Seek the disqualification of Ezenator Rawlings before Amankwaanor because Ghana/NDC constitution bars both contesting the MP slot.

  • Royal 8 years ago

    What a crap? This guy has been an MP of the area for two terms already so why now? I'm from that constituency but not in Ghana anymore and I know why this "noise" but will keep it to myself. Now Ghanaians and power. Everyone ...
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  • Kwame 8 years ago

    Dumb law

  • STEVE 8 years ago

    According to US law, one can't apply for American citizenship and keep the citizen of birth. One must renounce for example the Ghanaian citizen to gain the US citizen, and the same applies to Germany. Since 1/01/2000, the Ger ...
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  • SayWhat! 8 years ago

    A big big lie my friend. We hold citizenship here. You are mixing it with holding a public office
    But they can afford that luxury not us,who need our trained and skilled human resource .

  • Nana Yaw 8 years ago

    If Ghana is already developed, and can stand on its own feet, and don't go around and beg for money, and know how best to utilize its abandon resources to benefit its own people, then they can question the citizenship of some ...
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  • Abdul 8 years ago

    Touching on what Nana Yaw just stated, even the mighty USA knows how valuable the contribution of immigrants are to the development of this country, therefore, they have made provision in bringing in foreign talent to keep th ...
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  • ISAAC NII BAAH 8 years ago

    We don't need this kind of acrimonious behaviour in our constituency, whoever is behind this must know that NDC is bigger than any individual and his selfish interest.

  • Area man 8 years ago

    Don't waste your time on jealousy my friend.

  • SYLVIA 8 years ago

    Steven, please check your facts well. I didn't know of Germany, but in America you can be a dual citizens, that means you are American and still holds your birth country citizen's ship.

  • C/C 8 years ago

    It seems the ndc has planted northerners anad ewes in AKAN PLACES to make it appear as if the nd cis liked in the AKAN PLACES

  • Kofi 8 years ago

    The most stupid law on planetary, earth. You want Ghanaians in the diaspora to bring their goodies to you, but you exclude them from contesting public office.

  • Yaw Manu 8 years ago

    You must show your loyalty to only one Country.What about if those two Countries are waging against each other,which Country will you support? Answer me now.

  • XXX Files 8 years ago

    Those so called corrupt Ghanaians who steal monies from the state and deposit the monies in overseas banks, buy mansions and hotels overseas, are they more patriotic than Ghanaians with dual citizenship who remit monies to Gh ...
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  • Papa lee 8 years ago

    This people are serving the interest of the NPP because Minority leader visited constituency just Monday and the story broke up yesterday. We can't afford to lose that seat to the, NPP

  • Sunday 8 years ago

    is he black or white if he black then he Ghanaian and nobody should disturb him

  • Asare Bekoe 8 years ago

    Isn't the Accra major also an American citizen?

  • Apuu 8 years ago

    Check kwesi fletcher of ndc (VRA spokesperson) for he also have Holland citizenship.


    Mahama lacks the capabilities to rule a nation. He's the reason y there's so much corruption in Ghana. He's the reason y there's so much hardship in the country. He's mismanaging the economy. He's only gud at lying, create, l ...
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