
Siding with our President

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  • United Ghana 8 years ago

    You damned traitor, Kwame Nkrumah wasn't "escorted off the scene", but, was violently overthrown by traitors like you working with a foreign power(USA) - idiot, get back into your mental hospital bed.

  • kweku trouble 8 years ago

    "Ghana, Aha a y? din papa. Alius atrox week advenio. Another terrible week to come!". That's all wish for Ghana. Terrible weeks unless your paymasters assume power. Go back to the mental hospital. Mad man.

  • Bright K. 8 years ago

    Repent from your sins and take the free gift of salvation by believing on Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour and you shall be saved. Heaven and Hell are real. Where will spend eternity? Please choose heaven.

  • Dread Lion 8 years ago

    Is this Casely-Hayford guy that stuuupiiiid?Thought he had some brains to be able to think through events and circumstances critically but seems he is just an arm-chair analyst without critical thinking pedigree.

  • Kwame 8 years ago

    Expect government to do everything, and yet complain about government central controlling the economy during Nkruma's time. You can have your cake and eat it too.

  • Dave 8 years ago

    Hopeless and useless armpit smelling son of a whore

  • Kwabena Yeboah 8 years ago

    Any idiot can pick up a pen and spit out buffoonery - people who lack intelligence and are perfidious in their self inflated image.

    This bozo has the temerity to cast absurdity at Dr. Nkrumah with a fit of acknowledgement ...
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  • Francis kwarteng 8 years ago

    Dear Brother Yeboah,

    I couldn't agree with you more.


  • Prof Lungu 8 years ago

    Yes, it is a mighty sad day from where we also sit!

    How Sidney Casely-Hayford of OccupyGhana could drag Kwame Nkrumah into his essay is beyond us.

    In the end, Sydney of OccupyGhana only regurgitated a version of history ...
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  • Francis kwarteng 8 years ago

    Dear Prof. Lungu,

    Excellent observation.

    People like Sydney cannot live without Nkrumah. I wonder how they manage to even sleep without the great Nkrumah.


  • Prof Lungu 8 years ago


    Ghana today, is hard!

    But, that is no reason to bash Nkrumah!

    Maybe, instead of regurgitating what coup plotters and their handlers told Ghana and the world, Sydney Casely-Hayford will pen another paper with ac ...
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  • Prof Lungu 8 years ago

    Kwabena Yeboah,
    The last we were on the same pages, we were talking about the FTOS-GH/PSA petition/campaign to secure more revenues for Ghana's oil. At that time, we had about 32 signatories.

    Right now, we are at 98.

    W ...
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  • sabitu husein 8 years ago

    all your submissions are vague and smack your integrity as a true analyst. I expected you to be objective in your analysis devoid of political colourisation even though man is a political animal. But your inclination had clou ...
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  • Kensi 8 years ago

    What poor shallow analysis.. Is the guy a lawyer??? He sounds really dumb

  • Kwadwo. 8 years ago

    Nkrumah bankrupted Ghana. I don't think this this fact is disputable,

  • Prof Lungu 8 years ago

    Talk is cheap!

    Where is your data?

  • kwadwo. 8 years ago

    My source is the late Frimpong Ansah of the bank of Ghana. Nkumah thought it was a mistake when Frimpong Ansah broke the news to him in 1965. If that is not a bankrupt country, you tell me Lungu.

  • Prof Lungu 8 years ago

    That is another one of those lies! Do not belie coup plotters narratives. After all, they never told Ghanaians the CIA actually directed and funded the "escort", as Sydney Casely-Hayford will have us believe,

    It ...
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  • YAW 8 years ago

    Mr S Casely-Hayford, please read this speech delivered by Nkrumah and bury your head in shame for writing such an "infantile" article. What sort of English don"t you understand? Nkrumah,understood capitalism but loathed and d ...
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