
'Ghana’s power tariffs cheapest in sub region'

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  • Dorcas kpando 9 years ago

    This Akan woman has join the thieves.Where do u know at all.just go to ivory coast and find out how much they paid for their electricity.

  • John,Tema 9 years ago

    Can't you take the tribal connotation out?Attacking her tribe won't allow us to discuss the main issue at stake like level of incomes etc.

  • KAFUI 9 years ago

    Give the tariffs of every country in the sub-region and also give the salaries and cost of petroleum products. You always play on the ignorance of Ghanaians because you know we don't like reading and the information is not ea ...
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  • Briamah seidu USA 9 years ago


  • Briamah seidu USA 9 years ago


  • Ritewing 9 years ago

    On whose side is this woman and the institution she works for belong? If she says Ghanaians pay the least tariff in the sub-region she will do well to increase it to the sub-region's level she so much desire and let us have o ...
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  • aikins 9 years ago

    But kwasi Pratt with his teeth like Dracula was demonstrating during kuffuor's administration.

  • Kofi Kofi 9 years ago

    Why compare Ghana to America? The fact that Ghanaians have relatives living in America is no grounds to compare their economies, power, etc.
    This is akin to comparing an elephant and an ant.Both have a-n-t in their names but ...
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  • Kwame 9 years ago

    30 cents per kWh is one of the most expensive in the world.

  • PASQUALEY 9 years ago

    Ghana cnt be compared to SOUTH AFRICA how much more AMERICA,U talk as if U were nt given WATER when U were born nd have nt since den taken in palm soup up to date,Wise up U are an ALAN.

  • AyiOgladjo. 9 years ago

    What a silly woman!Is she real? There are families living on 100 cedis a month or less. Amanfo, she is definitely one of the stupid greedy uncaring fools killing you.

  • Kwamea 9 years ago

    This woman is a complete lunatic did she know how much salary those countries pay their citizens

  • Kusi Boadum 9 years ago

    This woman should stop annoying Ghanaians with her negative defence of electricity changes. If she feels the same way majority of Ghanaians are,she won't be making such ugly comments.

  • Tracy 9 years ago

    When it is about increasing levies,tariffs and taxes, they compare us to developed countries with developed economies but when it comes to increasing salaries , they will say the Ghanaian economy is not doing well. This is wh ...
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  • ghanaman 9 years ago

    Isn't it logical to expect government officials who benefit from fuel coupons, and other forms of free fuel allowances, perks, etc. to forgo those privileges and simply pay? How much ?ould the nation receive per day in revenu ...
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  • AGBESI KWESI 9 years ago

    This stupid whore fell short of giving us figures country by country. Is that how our universities train their students?

  • Mr. No Nonsense 9 years ago

    This woman must be removed from office. She is 419 woman.she supports where she can get something which will benefit her, you just mark my words and notice her properly you will find out. This is one of people who doesn't ca ...
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  • Boy Chico 9 years ago

    you are thieves

  • Boy Chico 9 years ago


  • James Adams Bolga 9 years ago

    Am shock of words when people only compare only an item with other countries .
    I want to know the living conditions and salaries of such countries and what they have in such countries again the abuse and poor leaderships we ...
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  • Kwaku Eshun 9 years ago

    Why do you compare other countries in the sub-region since their source of generating power is also different from ours. We have the cheapest source through Akosombo. When you remove the huge taxes you have loaded on the c ...
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  • KKO 9 years ago

    Abowa fun, how about salaries, fuel, rent and school fees?

  • Kofi 9 years ago

    We are quick to compare stuff with our neighbors when it suits our interest. So what about workers pay too?

  • Rastabangi 9 years ago

    If Ghana is paying lowest tariffs in the region what about the wages of other countries in the region compared to Ghana??

  • Kwaku Eshun 9 years ago

    You stupid ass do not reason before talking

  • Chief Whip 9 years ago

    Tell us the salary levels of those countries that you are referring to in the sub-region nana yaa jantua. you need to wise-up and stop doing that dirty boot-licking job for your masters.

  • EDEM 9 years ago

    You don't pay tariff, so you are talking from ignorance. I stay in Tema. We are 2 in the house - my wife and I. We don't use air conditioner or electric cooker/kettle. I bought 100 cedis recharge on Sunday and it finished on ...
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  • Okro Mouth 9 years ago

    Minimum wage in America now is $8.50 per hour... how much do Ghanaians earn per day equivalent
    I don't know where you bought your school degrees from.

  • peter 9 years ago

    U are just annoying bitch! Do u pay light bill? Idiot!

  • Clearance seedorf 9 years ago

    This woman shouldn't annoy us. Her analysis doesn't hold water. Can u compare Ghana to US? Fooooooool....

  • Johannes B Awotwe 9 years ago

    That is what matters not the kilowatt rate itself.

  • Arty Yaw 9 years ago

    I am not surprised she said this. After the mouth watering incentives and sitting allowances, what can we expect? What are our take home salaries as compared to other countries in the sub-region?Naniaama

  • KOJO BLACKIE 9 years ago


  • Oduro Kwarteng 9 years ago


  • obi 9 years ago

    this women bcos she been taking bigger salary's she doesn't know that is hard

  • CONCERN 9 years ago

    What is this woman, Director of public Relations and External Affairs - Nana Yaa Jantuah talking about? How do you define "cheapest"? Is cheap when you have money in your pocket or your monthly expenses are lower than your in ...
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  • KOFI 9 years ago


  • Africa 9 years ago

    what prevents us from using the so called shale gas if indeed its cheap

  • Kwabena 9 years ago

    This is what we get when we put un-educated uncouth idiotic bigots in sensitive positions because of bottom power.

    What effrontery?

  • SAY IT AS IT IS 9 years ago

    It is not sicking to compare Ghana. To the Us on this issue. This shows how stupid many of us are and are becoming by just opning thier mouths and start talking with really know what they are talking about.
    It is just a pity ...
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  • AYATOLA 9 years ago


  • Kwame Anshong 9 years ago

    I know you are surprised to know that Ghana's power tariffs is the cheapest in the sub region. Unfortunately this is true, we have the lowest tariffs and what we pay is very small as compared to other countries. Despite the l ...
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    It doesn't make sense to charge people whose salaries are the lowest in the sub-region the highest power tariffs. If you pay them less, then you must charge them less for the things they consume.

    Commonsense, right?