
Meningitis death: Segebfia must go - PPP

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  • Douglas. Bristol-UK°` 8 years ago

    come and let him go

  • Big J 8 years ago

    How stupid have we become as a people, all in the name of politics? Is the Minister the creator of meningitis? If not, how can his resignation stop the spread of the epidemic? It is amazing how some people use every opportu ...
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  • Haile Selaise Mengistus III 8 years ago

    The PPP and it's one man leadership has no new message for Ghanaians that to be making senseless noise.
    Just ignore Paa Kwesi Ndoum.



    inflammation of the meninges caused by viral or bacterial infection and marked by intense headache and fever, sensitivity to light, and muscular rigidity, leading (in severe cases) to convulsions, deli ...
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  • DrJay 8 years ago

    You're partially correct. The Etiology of meningitis also include fungal,parasitic,and other unknowns.We need multidisciplinary approach here and not scapegoat or finger pointing.

  • Mike 8 years ago

    This guy how did he manage to get a health minister job being a Minicab driver it's only in Ghana that can happen stupid mam

  • Hooo 8 years ago

    Have you done your investigations very well before saying that Segbefia was taxi driver at London? Nonsense you are useless hopeless man. Mike your mother OK!

  • samson 8 years ago

    How ridiculous can the PPP be? Minister should be sacked because of an outbreak of meningitis? Of course meningitis kills and it is sad that people have died and many more will die. All doctors should resign or be sacked in o ...
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  • Ojuku 8 years ago

    What does PPP expect the Hon Minister of Health to do beside the Ghana Health Service (GHS)? PPP is full of commendation for the GHS "for intensifying their monitoring activities, field investigations and supplying antibiotic ...
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  • GBEADESE 8 years ago

    Opportunity, GHANA

  • Moro 8 years ago


  • kwasi 8 years ago

    A minister who was taxi driver in London, what do you expect?

  • Big J 8 years ago

    Fool, go ask your father what he did to sponsor his education, that is if he ever went to school. Nkrumah did all kinds of menial jobs before he came down to attain independence for us upon graduation. What matters is whethe ...
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  • Boya 8 years ago

    Nonsense. Resign your mother


    Is this the 1st time that anyone has died of meningitis in Ghana? This is an annual ailment that afflicts Ghana when the weather is hot. So it must be pointed out to Mutala and his PPP that this disease has been in Ghana befo ...
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  • NDOUM MUST GO 8 years ago

    This Minister is the best.He has the wits intelligence and he delivers. This is s public health issue and he is on top of his game.PPP this is dead on arrival

  • Nhyira Turkson 8 years ago

    Very soon u will even disown your parent for not sending you to a good school let be serious Ghanaians what has meningitis got to do with the minister? Are measures not being put in place to eradicate it ? Did he import it fr ...
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  • Papa 8 years ago

    So all you making political comments here tell us - who is accountable for watching this disease cause havoc and lead to such loss of life? Why is someone made minister? Why do we elect a president?


    How an a judgment debt thief have any capacity for anything let alone health?
    The guy's proficiency is in judgment debt stealing and with a gov't and President whose only creative policy in his administration is create, loot ...
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  • igp 8 years ago

    Ghana under Mahama has given way to mediocrity instead meritocracy. The level of neglect, sher king of ministries responsibility is mind blowing. Gen. A cheapo has been exhornarated by the hypocrisy of /PNDC. In competencies ...
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  • Ben 8 years ago

    He was appointed to be proactive in dealing with of these situations and since he has woefully failed he should be fired because we can't afford to lose more lives. He's overwhelmed by the epidemic because he's always thinkin ...
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  • akuffo addo retirement party 8 years ago

    Ghanaian politicians think criticizing makes you relevant. We need to educate citizens on hygienic practices, and the need to seek immediate medical attention and not go to pastors for relieve.

  • Asem beba dabi 8 years ago

    These PPP jokers are slightly mad. politics in Ghana by these reckless opposition parties is indeed a joke. Some just want their names to be heard. Can this stupid man tell the whole world that it is the minister who is sprea ...
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  • nana bado 8 years ago

    PPP send your infantile politics elsewhere and leave meningitis alone

  • George Nutsugah 8 years ago

    Segbefia has been talking a lot without achieving anything meaningful as the minister of health. He has been talking and talking without positive results just like John Mahama. They are all square pegs in round hole. Incomp ...
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