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Useless health officials! Why didn't you go to the schools and educate the heads of institutions about these things before the D-day? So that will inform the selection of those to participate in the parade and also for them t ...
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They must all die and leave Ghana for us, the asantes love sex too much,
The problem of school children sitting on bare floor in classrooms especially in the northern part of the country is far from over.
After the Kperisi Basic School exposé which generated a lot of cont ...
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Leave Ghana for you and who? Your people will die first before Ghana can move on. They are not like your tribe who even have sex with your grand mothers and great grandmothers, cursed people who call themselves Ghanaians. Why ...
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This child abuse must stop. If anyone made a child stand and march under the sun for hours they would be arrested but somehow when the faceless government does it, it is okay?
That is Ghana,we still believe in that communist way of celebrating independence despite the fact that we claim we moved away from that stupid practice.
Let us be asking ourselves if we are thinking right to have 70 kids col ...
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Author:-Ewuntomah Braimah... This problem of fraud in NDC is a trade mark. it started when NDC prevented filling of nomination to compete with Mahama. It has reflected most of the primaries. and they call themselves Democrati ...
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Author:-Ewuntomah Braimah... This problem of fraud in NDC is a trade mark. it started when NDC prevented filling of nomination to compete with Mahama. It has reflected most of the primaries. and they call themselves Democrati ...
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Author:-Frank Agyena-Karikari.....
Mahama, you cannot bridge that gap. Why? Because people like you who had wealthy families and are from the North(who had free education) always chose to stay at the South. Most Northners ...
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Ghana will be on pension next year as she will be sixty years. What has she got to show apart from corruption?
I agree. u r right
I was there right infront of de ambulance I took part too it was 1 soldier 1police woman and a migration officer n de school children not up to five eeiiii these journalist will burn GHANA oooo
So you think 5 children collapsing at this useless parade is not a big deal? What would you say if your child was one of them? Please say something sensible here and stop blaming the journalists. This celebration does not bri ...
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Thank you,Osei Tutu.
What do you expect from a person who calls him or herself dick?
these foolish journalist will burn GHANA oooo they shouldn't forget this is an election year oooo if they do this when covering de elections GHANA will burn how. is never true
Mahama, the CULTIST, needs HUMAN BLOOD.
No more celebration for these school children because we have failed them
ghana @59;70 faint in ashanti region
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It takes fools to partake this useless holiday.Nkrumah was just anti akan and my kids will never be victims of the greedy bastards.where were the children of Kwdwo Bonsu the greed,create ,loot and share.How much did the paint ...
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Man, Nkrumah was an akan himself. Kwame Nkrumah is an akan name and Nzema is an akan ethnic group. You are not an akan so stop your bullshit.
There's this old priest who got sick of all the people in his parish who kept confessing to adultery. One Sunday on Independence day, in the pulpit, he said, "if I hear one more person confess to adultery, I'll quit!"
Well, ...
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Stop locking your knees. I am a soldier and some of my battles do the same thing . if you lock your knees you faint
That is a fact SPC, but the authority need to provide them with water all the time and some juice to cool them down while they are standing. But first of all they should stop that stupid marching crab.
We will never allow FLAGSTAFF HSE to be flooded with these dwarfs calling themselves NPP
So sad
Seriously, I think school children should be spared the ordeal of going through the ordeal of staying under the sun every year all in the name of independence anniversary celebration.
CRITICAL OBSERVER are you really a citizen of Ghana? We did this in our school days at Jackson Park and Prince of Wales park in Kumasi.
Mashed kenkey lol
Good medicine,wae.
Animalistic journalismn, you are the only journalist who saw and counted seventy school children as you reported. political journalist, idiot.
why these insult
it's high time we start celebrating this event every four years. At least every government will have the chance of celebrating it once.It will also save us some money,time and all this collapse would stop.
why all this torturing for this poor kids?
Yes no first aid box for schools y wont they faint and still become a berden to health workers .meanwhile they need to rest today.nawa Oooooo mahama government .
was it the National ambulance service or red cross society that took care of he casualties. pls know the defference.
Ghana is free but yet Ghana is not free.
59 years ago, I was a school boy and I remeber that it was at Jackson Park.
Blame that also from the delibrate delay in the coming of officials to the ceremony just to let feel the people how imporant they are. If time is 7 o'clock, all would be there and they would only appear at 10 o'clock just to ...
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All die be die
Is it worth putting these students throw all that? What are we celebrating? HARDSHIP? POOR LEADERSHIP? you tell me.
How can der eat ? When der is no food
Ghana is simply visionless. After 59 yrs of independence we are still marching every year under the scorching sun? Aah. If each year we had programmed for a special project to mark each year's Independence day, the lives of ...
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Cheap politics. Why will 70 fainting in Ashanti region which is one of the coolest region in Ghana. If this report came from Upper - East or Upper -West regions I would have believed it. Its usually when people suffer from ...
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Ashantis and their mouth mouth, see how they are falling? Be fit! and stop falling like flowers
We must strengthen ourselves both physically and mentally. We are not strong at all.
these ashantis will die like flies sprayed with akpe
This marching should be stopped for good. It takes too much time from the children lessons and does not bring any value to the children.