
Waitress sent home by her manager for wearing her hair naturally

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  • KOJO IN LONDON 8 years ago

    fken racists

  • Busumbru 8 years ago

    Ao my brother. It's worse in China.But God is with us.

  • CHARCOAL SELLER. 8 years ago

    Ghanaians shave their daughters hair because they are led to BELIEVE that it affects their ability to learn, vestiges of colonialism die hard.

    Africans in the US and the Carribean did a wonderful job of defending their Af ...
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  • Pubic Hair lover 8 years ago

    Why not?They are going to sew Asian pubic hair or horse hair into their hair anyway.

  • Busumbru 8 years ago

    Hey Gal.I thank you for protecting your identity and the whole African and black race. Few can do that. Be blessed abundantly.The almighty creator gonna give you a better job and life at his own time. I am a nobody, but I am ...
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  • KWAME-BELGIUM 8 years ago

    Oh, poor peole, this has nothing dong with racist or what you call it. I had worked in the food industry so I understand the situation. We must respect laws.

  • DIAMOND 8 years ago

    The law also once said you were inferior to other races, that you were three-fifths of a person, that you were only good for manual labour without compensation, that you had no right to education or to vote.

    Those laws are ...
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  • COD 8 years ago

    DIAMOND, the red or white people made their laws in their own land. Nothing stopped us from making our own laws in our own land, too.
    You see, we troop to their lands for greener pastures and or better our lots but un-prepa ...
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  • DR LAUGH 8 years ago

    Stop CHOPPING ADRO and they will respect you. You come up there telling lies and CHOPPING ADRO there and you want them to respect you?

  • AAA 8 years ago

    Ghanaians do not reason beyond their emotions. This is bad for the country and that is why investors are not coming to Ghana because Ghanaians workers are lazy and want to dictate.

  • give us a break 8 years ago

    take them to court.

  • BRIGHT 8 years ago


  • DR LAUGH 8 years ago

    It will only come out she is ADRO-CHOPPER!!! T

  • SIMON 8 years ago

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  • Message from a Black Man 21st Century 8 years ago

    Black Men worldwide,
    it is time for us to Man Up!

    Contact me here in the US and I will provide you a blueprint to FREE Black Women from economic enslavement globally . End having other races of men as their bosses.
    It ...
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  • CPU 8 years ago

    As a true Rasta believer I was rejected because of my dreadlocks hair.

  • Adjoa The Macho Woman 8 years ago

    Valley University in Ghana, a 7th Day Adventist University funded rejected admission to a Rastafarian who refused to abide by the Univ/Church rules in regards to Standards on Campus.

    The Court ruled in favour of the School ...
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  • Uta 8 years ago

    Ghanaian kids here in Toronto are very stubborn,if u are a waitress wear your hair in a bun period . U want to show ppl that have a lot of hair so look how ugly your hair look in the picture. Is vey nappy and u can't work in ...
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  • Ama 8 years ago

    U are young what are u doing as a waitress ? Do u go to university or this is a part time job?

  • Open your eyes 8 years ago

    The girl looks a mess. Who wants a girl with messy hair serving their food? It would reflect badly on the establishment. She should stay home and "let her scalp breathe".

  • joe ,accra new town. 8 years ago

    at least the girl should be given a warning

  • tbay 8 years ago

    I think we as a people should also learn to respect the cultures of places we go to, if there is a dress code, you cant brink in your batakali or your ntoma and say thats my culture. Well with natural hair, it is a different ...
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  • Hmmmm 8 years ago

    This not news

  • Adjo 8 years ago

    Conform with working regulations.You prostitute.

  • JM 8 years ago

    Thank you girl God blessed you. Do not turn away from your root. Be proud of whom you are. All created equal.

  • CPP 8 years ago

    Why should genders like girls shave their hairs before starting School ????.This's plain primitiveness.What does African identity means? Ghana's gender laws needs critical enforcement to stop shaving off the natural hairs of ...
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  • Gab 8 years ago

    Every company has code of ethics which must be respected and complied. You are told them and if you could comply, you continue working with no trouble. They will not hire her at all if it's about racism...she was given the c ...
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