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Dubious so called business man .Someone who was not paying custom duties with the help of port officials.Odike ur history of thieving from the state. Art ;N DC Odike is a thief & a lair.
Election year so everyone is saying npp is trying to kill them.How low can people go for a bit of money.
NDC can brice Odike and Adakabre to spew lies, the change will come.
Mahama's propaganda at its lowest ebb. Unable to bribe credible, prominent and thoughtful Ghanaians like Kwame sefa kai, Greenstreet, Edward Nasigri Mahama and the likes, now has no choice but to settle for greedy fools like ...
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Odike is one stupid imbecile there are not many adjectives to describe him. The same Price came out to say that his Party is being sponsored by Ndc and I don't know why he flew off the handle when Npp said the same thing.
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Big fool who will waist time to Kill you
Was it not the same man the NDC guys seized his car at GOLDEN TULIP in kumasi that it belongs to Ibrahim Mahama for critising NDC? How can some people stoop so low all in the name of penny? Odike your disgrace and shameless.
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Oh Mr. y do u want to destroy people's reputation like that? Even if NPP lose this election i will take it in good faith since i have no option but be careful of ur wild allegation
Look at him too....kill u odike?
You are a big fool ODIKE.Your days are numbered stupid fool.
And they all call themselves politicians and want to lead our country Ghana? May God bless our homeland and protect it from these greedy bastards.
Who is odike. Booshite
All the Crazy Mahama employees are emerging trying to outwit each other for bigger pay check. A lot of mentally challenged people in Ghana!! Lol
Another idiot,without any hope or message for the electorate is spewing nonsense. Odike who cares about you? Who are you? Even 0.02 you might get during election. Stomach politician.
Who wanted to kill a vulture.Nonsense,
hahahahahaha,go to court with ur pink sheet
Aaahhhh oyiwa,npp at it again wat kind of party koraaa ni aa full of wicked dwarfs aaaaba.
So you just believe anything nonsense since it goes against npp. ...your mind is corrupt like odike. Ghana is bleeding becos of like you
Eiiiii Ghanaians are watching these criminals destroying Ghana....
Hahahaaaa.... Conspirators destroying Ghana
Look at this useless idiot trying to be relevant. Who has time for your corrupt worthless live??
Npp will not kill anybody in Ghana. Even if the allegation is true, not definitely this man. He jxt want to be heard like Akua Donkor who got her sponsorship from NDC to Abroad jxt because she cud insult Akufo Ado.
God will punish you, Odike
We shall see.
You are disgracing yourself. You always go for NDC money, they will kill you not NPP. Foolish man
Ah Ghana politics what is happening. What is this stupid fool Odike made up of that will make any serious minded person think of killing him. This is the problem with multi party politics without any limitations and which all ...
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And in reality what is the difference between semi illiterate Odike and con lawyer and so called journalist Adakabre. Both of them are looking for money under the guise that people are trying to kill them. What nonsense!
Aba! look at this 'chalewote seller' too. What do you have that will warrant your killing by the npp. So every hegoat in ghana now can open his stinky mouth at all and speak evil agsinst somebody
Where does this Odike come from in Ghana?Is this Odike also a Ghanaian Name?
This is for sure one of the Psycophants
of NDC who can look at you in the eyes and tell Lies.
He will have a taste of his own poison!!
Odike's claims are nonsense, and very irresistible, what 'll NPP gain by you, everyone knows that when its Ghanaian politics Odike is no match, in fact how many people know you and your party?
kwasia fraud man
Just listen to what Mr Ibu is saying. Foolish man who has time for u.
why does this npp accuse everyone of being
against them? typical of a bad loser. police, military, bni, ec, kuffour, otumfo, statistical dept., .......what else is next?
Oh Odike ur days are short.Money will kill u ooooooh
Now npp our eyes are open with your tricks my odike and mahama.Nana addo will not mind your nonsense to distract his campaign. Fools
Go to hell.
We are not even thinking of you ok.
Whether you and the corrupt greedy bastards likes it or not NPP AND NANA ADDO PLUS DR BAWUMIA WILL WIN MASSIVELY WITH 77% HAnds down victory.
Nana Addo all the way.
Who cares what you OFUI will say about Nana Addo, you these enemies of Ghana have said a lot about him but still going on strong. Kwasia man up & stop your nonsense.OFUI.
see another buffoon. we know odike, ayariga and Akua donkor are de wise advisors of de dead goat. no wonder we are being led by donkeys. de thieves are scared of Nana. change is coming. devt is coming. Nana b3ba
...Are we serious as a nation at all......
look at this ugly boy! So do women really allow such an ugly shit to fuck them? oh my god!
Your character in you will kill you.
Ghana has become so low that odike too can be recognized? Democracy is so expensive! Thank you Papa Kuffour
The NDC campaign plan is to portray Nana as a violent man. If not why are these stupid politicians and journalists coming out now to give same story: "NANA THREATHENED ME". Why did they wait till election year?
NDC campaign plan: "Nana threathned me". This slogan won't work.
oh odike say the truth. God go punished you
Ooooho odike shut up yersterday it was ndc and today it's NPP what do you want?fake ashtowner indeed and admaas braggard that's all you are sas
See his face, look at him. good for nothing. what is wrong wit him. Aaaàaaaba Ghana.
Another stomach politictia look for food God will punish you,fools
Report to police!
So this guy think he is so important for someone to think of killing him he might be dreaming
Npp won't to kill you ,hahaha aer you abeylah.
After Volta region debate as to who developed thee region we will move to Ashanti region. NPP are just noise makers. They shldnt run away from this very important debate.what have they done in Ashanti region. We have to go t ...
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Odike you are a big fool