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A very careful rebuttal. No harm done.
How much did he pay you ?????, he did give you a car !!!!!!!!!!!
Call or whatsap 0249620218
Hello Am Mensah Fred I deal with LOTTERY NUMBERS
my numbers are deal game which comes from a TRUSTED SOURCE everyday.
The maximum win we experienced a week is THREE and the minimum is TWO .inter ...
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Togbe should call Bansa to give the right the journalists. These foreign media outlets cannot be blamed for any info.out there. Bansa is a braggart.
Let me make it clear. Europeans don't have chiefs as rulers. They only know KINGS as rulers and even the German press call him king. He conducts himself as a king here. I read German articles about König Bansah. So who is ...
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No my dear, the German word CHIEF is HAUPTLING.
This so-called king has gone too far by regarding himself as a king. I'm surprised that nothing was done in the past to address this issue until now. Self-aggrandizement at its peak.
He folded his pair of trousers and put on his cloth on it instead of jokoto.
My dear King, this is exactly what you want as publicity for tourism, true or not. Put your ego to the side and let him rule from far far away. After all, it's about Ghana and not about your kingdom. Let Ghana reign for once ...
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Mr. Adjeyi,from your comment it appears you do not really understand the issues at stake in Togbi Gabusu VI's announcement. You seem to be one of the semi-literate, brainwashed Ghanaians who are incapable of intelligent refl ...
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Grow up
I m surprise Gabusu vl is now noticing this scandal which has been going on for a long long time in Germany, every german knows Bansah is a big king in GHANA
I have tried to explain to the Germans I know that he is just a "HAUPTLING" and that's the German word for a chief or sub chief.
Check wiki in german it says Bansah is king (könig) in the Volta region with 12 chiefs (Häuptlingen)under him.and this is what they portrait on German T.V
This guy is just fooling himself in Germany because he calls himself KING OF GHANA & sometimes KING OF THE EWE PEOPLE. He must know that with his title as I understand it in the language, means development chief.
thus being king put food on the table stop being lazy Ghanaian talk too much
Why are Ghanaians like that? Has this man taken money or stolen anything from these corrupt Chiefs? Instead he is doing good for the Nation. Why don`t we encourage that?. Lazy and selfish Ghanaians. Do something better for yo ...
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Mr.Hebert,if you do not understand the issues at stake in Togbi Gabusu VI's announcement then shut your beak and stop writing nonsense on this forum. From your comment you seem to be one of the semi-literate, brainwashed Ghan ...
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It looks as if the only people he is ruling in the pictures is his wife and children
Thats his hobby...we like it like that Dailymail.....Thank you
Koforidua oti Boateng has vanished for years so if u people have a chief who is ruling via Skype just take it like that.
Yes, there are tabloids everywhere, but journalists of Europe and America do just just go on "rumor-mongering, publishing spree" just to sell the papers the way you do in Ghana. These stories are told by your own people. Ther ...
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Concerned Ghanaians(Ewes) in Germany have many times petitioned the Ghana Embassy in Berlin and Bansah himself to CORRECT this NONSENSE of "King of Ewes"......but NOBODY cared!!
Togbe Gabusu VI should PLEASE call this BRAGG ...
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the number is not correct
A female reporter, interviewing a Ghanaian Ewe chief, asked the significance of the
Varied number of feathers in Ghanaian headdresses{hat].
"Feathers show number of sexual partners," the chief replied. Indicating a n ...
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That's what usually happens in these western presses partly because of ignorance of our culture and the self-aggradizement of these our so-called development chiefs. I read a story sometime ago on BBC claiming there's a Ghana ...
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Well staged, lust call him and ask him to retract the stories !!!!!
It took you long enough, this story has been around for quite a while.
Why did you install him ?
What has he done for Gbi so far ?
Did you visit him in Germany ?
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Do you see a disadvantage of modernity? Our forebears did not have stools in Ghana called Ngoryifia or Development stool. Everyone was involved in the development of the area under the leadership of various chiefs. A friend ...
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Togbega and his Chop Chop Friends can answer.
This Bansah matter was all about making MONEY...!!!!!. Their were selfish ulterior motives. That is why it took this long for the Paramount Chief to respond.
Bansah's claims ...
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Chief Bansah is installed to help help develope the area with which money? He and his wife use their hard gained financial means sponsord/donated from the German communities or not for this purpose. He needs the European Medi ...
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The Volta Region leads the nation in installing expatriates as chiefs. At least this is a Ghanaian so don't cry. On a good note, I will welcome a press conference to set the record straight.
Funny how these people wanted to be chiefs but do not want to come home and run affairs in Ghana, hei they can have two-three wives and all kinds of tangibles to boot.I don't know what their problems are. They (diaspora chief ...
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Rubbish journalism. Nonsense
This are some of the resons why we black are not going forward. To have people like this man coming from my country, we should be proud of him and lift him as country man but rather we want to bring him down. white people see ...
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This man is so Kind to my community. Lets stop black painting him